Category: European authors
Spang, Günter
About the author Günter Spang (1926–2011) was a German author best known for his children’s books, some of which have been translated into English. Spang was born in Mannheim, and after returning from wartime captivity with the Soviets, was educated at Heidelberg University. One of his books, The Horse in the Hotel is a horse…
Shemin, Margaretha
About the author Margaretha Shemin (b.1928) was born in Alkmaar, the Netherlands, and educated at the University of Leiden. She moved to America, and worked as a children’s librarian while producing her books. All her titles are set in Holland, and all aim to challenge stereotypes of the Dutch and their country. Her stories The…
Hauptmann, Gaby
About the author Gaby Hauptmann is a German author who grew up in Trossingen. She has written for both children and adults: if I tell you that In Search of an Impotent Man, A Handful of Manhood and Grabbing the Family Jewels are some of her adult novels, you will see that her children’s books…
Baastad, Babbis Friis
About the author Babbis Friis Baastad (1921–70) was a Norwegian author, born Ellinor Margrethe Blauenfeldt. She wrote eight books, centering on the themes of rejection, and caring for those who are different. She won the Damm prize for Kjersti (1962), and also for Wanted! A Horse! There is a sequel to Wanted! A Horse!, which…
Escoula, Yvonne
About the author Yvonne Escoula (1916–1987) was a French writer. Her Six Blue Horses was turned into a television series. Finding the bookReasonably easy to find. Links and sourcesTerri Wear: Horse Stories – An Annotated BibliographyYvonne Escoula on BabelioIMDB on Six Blue Horses Bibliography (horse books only) Six Blue Horses C G Phillips, New York,…
Denneborg, Heinrich
About the author Heinrich Maria Denneborg (1909–87) was a German author and puppeteer. He worked at the City Library in Gelsenkirchen until 1939, where he regularly gave puppetry performances. He travelled throughout West Germany and Switzerland with his puppet shows. His first book appeared in 1932. He wrote numerous children’s books, of which at least…
Bødker, Cecil
About the author Cecil Bødker (1927–2020) was a Danish author, born in Fredericia, Denmark, who won the Hans Christian Andersen Award in 1976. She trained as a silversmith, and wrote poetry, as well as several experimental works. Amongst her children’s works is the lengthy Silas series, about a boy who runs away from his parents.…
Baumann, Hans
About the author Hans Baumann was born in Amberg, Upper Palatinate, and worked as a teacher in Bavaria. He started his literacy career writing poems, some of which he set to music. Before the war, he wrote plays which were produced in the State Theatre, Berlin and the Burg Theatre Vienna. He served at the…
Prévert, Jacques
About the author Prévert was a French poet and screenwriter who wrote several books for children. His donkey story, Bim, was turned into a successful film by Albert Lamorisse. Finding the bookMost versions appear reasonably easy to find. Sources and linksWikipedia on Jacques Prevert Bibliography (pony books only) Bim, the Little Donkey Story and photographs by…
Wandel, Andrea
About the author Andrea Wandel is a German author who writes children’s books: some of her pony books have been translated and published by Stabenfeldt, though by no means all. She has written a fairly lengthy series in her native language that I think translates as A Pony For All Seasons. She used to work…