North American authors
You can find an A–Z of all the pages on the site here if you’d rather not scroll down. This is a very long list.
- Ackerman, Ned
- Adler, C S
- Adrian, Mary
- Agle, Nan Hayden
- Allen, Allyn
- Alsopp, Reese Fell
- Alter, Judy
- Amateau, Gigi
- Anderson, C W
- Anderson, Laurie Halse
- Andrekson, Judy
- Andrews, Ned
- Annixter, Jane and Paul
- Appel, David
- Armstrong, Luanne
- Armstrong, Matt
- Arundel, Jocelyn
- Asch, Frank
- Austin, Jennifer
- Avery, Lynn
- Baber, Lynne
- Bailey, Jean
- Baird, Leslie
- Baker, Betty
- Baker, Carin Greenberg
- Baker, Elizabeth Gillette
- Baker, Karen Lee
- Baker, Laura Nelson
- Balch, Glenn
- Bannon, Laura
- Barr, Cathrine
- Bartholomew, Barbara
- Bartlett, Arthur C
- Battle, Florence
- Bauer, Marion Dane
- Beatty, Hetty Burlinghame
- Beatty, Patricia
- Bechdolt, Jack
- Beckman, Joan
- Beer, Kathleen Costello
- Bell, Thelma Harrington
- Bendick, Karen
- Benedict, Dorothy Potter
- Benson, Linda
- Berrill, Jacquelyn
- Berry, Barbara J
- Berry, Erick
- Betancourt, Jeanne
- Bialk, Elisa
- Bianco, Margery Williams
- Biesterveld, Betty
- Birch, Claire
- Birney, Hoffman
- Blassingame, Wyatt
- Blue, Wallace (Margaret P Kraenzel)
- Bly, Stephen and Janet
- Bonner, Mary Graham
- Bothwell, Jean
- Bourne, Eulalia
- Bowden, Joan Chase
- Bowen, Roberty Sidney (James Robert Richard)
- Bowen, Vernon
- Bradbury, Bianca
- Brady, Irene
- Brand, Max
- Brennan, Caitlin (Judith Tarr)
- Briggs, Doug
- Brock, Emma L
- Brock, Para Lee
- Brooks, David H
- Brooks, Emily
- Brown, Beth
- Brown, Eleanor F
- Brown, Fern G
- Brown, Freida K (F K Brown)
- Brown, Leigh
- Brown, Paul (author)
- Bryant, Bonnie
- Buff, Mary and Conrad
- Bulla, Clyde Robert
- Bunting, Eve
- Burgwyn, Mebane Holoman
- Burke, Trude
- Burkhart, Jessica
- Burleson, Elizabeth
- Burnham, Sophy
- Burt, Katharine Newlin
- Bushardt, Alea
- Buyukmihci, Hope Sawyer
- Byars, Betsy
- Caffrey, Nancy
- Calhoun, Mary
- Calvert, Patricia
- Campbell, Barbara
- Campbell, Joanna
- Carreck, Carole
- Carroll, Ruth and Latrobe
- Carter, Russell Gordon
- Casanova, Mary
- Cavanna, Betty
- Chaffee, Allen
- Chamberlain, George Agnew
- Chambers, John W
- Chandler, Edna Walker
- Chandler, Ruth Forbes
- Chase, Mary Ellen
- Cheatham, K Follis
- Christensen, Gardell Dano
- Christie, Caroline
- Christopher, Matt
- Clapp, Estelle Barnes
- Clark, Ann Nolan
- Clark, Margaret Goff
- Clinton, Cathryn
- Clymer, Eleanor Lowenton
- Clymer, Ted
- Coates, Belle
- Cobb, Irvin S
- Coburn, Walt
- Cocquyt, Kathryn
- Coffey, Rachel Rivers
- Cohen, Peter Zachary
- Collier, JoAnne Chitwood
- Collura, Mary Ellen
- Colver, Anne
- Conant, Jan Royce
- Cook, Lynn
- Cook, Olive Rambo
- Cooper, Page
- Corbin, William
- Corcoran, Barbara
- Cosgrove, Stephen
- Crompton, Anne Elliott
- Crook, Marion
- Daly, Kathleen N
- Daly, Maureen
- Dana, Maggie
- Davis, Lavinia
- Dawson, Joann S
- de Angeli, Marguerite
- de Leeuw, Adèle
- Dean, Annabel
- DeLaCroix, Alice
- Denzel, Justin Francis
- di Fabbio, Nancy
- Dickerson, Karle
- Diggs, Lucy
- Dixon, Jeanne and Bradford Angier
- Dobrin, Arnold
- Dolan, Sheila
- Donavan, Hobart
- Doren, Marion
- Dorsey, Angela
- Doty, Jean Slaughter
- Downey, Fairfax
- du Bose, La Rocque
- Dubrovin, Vivian
- Duey, Kathleen
- Duncan, Thomas W
- Duncombe, Frances
- Dunn, Marylois
- Eames, Genevieve Torrey
- Easton, Patricia Harrison
- Eberle, Irmengarde
- Eckert, Allan W
- Edmonds, Lin
- Edmonds, Walter Dumaux
- Edwards, Emily
- Eisenberg, Laura
- Ellis, Ella Thorp
- Ellis, Melvin Richard (Mel Ellis)
- Emblem, Don and Betty
- Emery, Anne
- Emshwiller, Carol
- Enderle, Judith Ross
- Erickson, Phoebe
- Erlanger, Michael
- Estep, Irene
- Estes, Alison
- Etchemendy, Nancy
- Eyre, Katherine Wigmore
- Fall, Thomas
- Faralla, Dana
- Farley, Steven
- Farley, Terri
- Farley, Walter
- Farmer, Gayle
- Farradj, Henrietta Siksek
- Farwell, Martha
- Faulkner, Nancy
- Faulknor, Cliff
- Fea, Henry R
- Feagles, Anita MacRae
- Feld, Ellen
- Felder, Deborah
- Felton, Harold W
- Findlay, Jamieson
- Finger, Charles Joseph
- Fisher, Laura H
- Floethe, Louise Lee
- Foote, John Taintor
- Forbus, Ina B
- Ford, Sewell
- Forster, Logan
- Forsyth, Christine
- Foster, Elizabeth
- Foster, John T
- Francis, Dorothy Brenner
- Frankel, Haskel
- Frankeny, Rebecca
- Franklin, George Cory
- Free, Ann Cottrell
- Friermood, Elisabeth Hamilton
- Frost, Frances
- Gale, Martin
- Galeano, Ralph
- Gard, Robert E
- Garst, Shannon
- Gates, Doris
- Gauch, Patricia Lee
- Gault, William Campbell
- Gauss, C W and M
- Ghent, Natale
- Gibson, Katharine
- Gilbert, Joan
- Gilligan, Edmund
- Gilligan, Shannon
- Gipson, Fred
- Gladd, Arthur
- Glaser, Dianne
- Glendinning, Margarite
- Glick, Carl
- Goldberg, Martha
- Goudey, Alice E
- Grant, Bruce
- Gray, Patsey
- Green, Anne M
- Greene, Anne Bosworth
- Greene, Constance
- Gregory, Diana
- Grew, David
- Griffith, Valeria
- Gringhuis, Dirk
- Grossman, Nancy Wright
- Guck, Dorothy
- Gulley, Judie
- Haas, Jessie
- Hader, Berta and Elmer
- Hall, Esther Greenacre
- Hall, Lynn
- Hall, Rosalys Haskell
- Hallam, Diana
- Hallowell, Priscilla
- Hambleton, Anne
- Hamilton, Dorothy
- Hamlin, John
- Hanson, June Andrea
- Hapka, Catherine
- Harris, Mark Jonathan
- Harrison, Troon
- Hart, Alison
- Hartwell, Nancy
- Hass, Patricia Cecil
- Hastings, Howard L
- Hatch, Alden
- Hatch, Eric
- Hawkes, Clarence
- Hayes, Florence
- Hays, Wilma Pitchford
- Heck, Bessie Holland
- Heilbroner, Joan Knapp
- Henry, Marguerite
- Henson, Heather
- Hermes, Patricia
- Hess, Fjeril
- Hesse, Laura
- Heuman, William
- Hevener, Ron
- Higdon, Hal
- High, Linda Oatman
- Hightower, Florence
- Hill, Janet Muirhead
- Hinds, Sarah
- Hinkins, Virginia
- Hinkle, Thomas Clark
- Hoff, Syd
- Hoffman, Eleanor
- Hogan, Inez
- Hogner, Dorothy Childs
- Hogner, Nils
- Holland, Barbara
- Holland, Isabelle
- Holland, Marion
- Holt, Stephen (Harlan Thompson)
- Hooker, Forrestine Cooper
- Hoppe, Joanne
- Houston, Joan
- Hovde, Jeanne
- Howe, Janet Rogers
- Hubbard, Coleen
- Hubler, Marsha
- Hudnut, Selma
- Hudson, Jan
- Hughes, Janet Herron
- Huston, Anne and Jane Yolen
- Iden, Carol
- Innis, Pauline B
- Irwin, Hadley
- Jackson, D V S
- Jackson, Gabrielle Emilie
- Jacobs, Emma Atkins
- James, Will
- Janney, Rebecca Price
- Jenks, Tudor
- Johnson, Elizabeth Harrover
- Johnson, Enid
- Johnson, Margaret Sweet and Helen Lossing Johnson
- Johnson, Pat and Barbara van Tuyl
- Johnson, Virginia Weisel
- Johnston, Dorothy Grunbock
- Juby, Susan
- Kalnay, Francis
- Kaplan, Janice
- Karney, Beulah
- Kay, Helen
- Keating, Bern
- Keehn, Sally M
- Kelsey, Alice Geer
- Kendall, Jane
- Kendall, Lace
- Kennedy, Richard
- Kenoyer, Natlee
- Kent, Deborah
- Kent, Sherman
- Ketchen, Susan
- Kincaid, Beth
- Kingman, Lee
- Kirkland, Gelsey and Greg Lawrence
- Kjelgaard, Jim
- Klose, Norma Cline
- Knight, Ruth Adams and Claud W Garner
- Knott, M O’Malley
- Kravetz, Nathan
- Krementz, Jill
- Kubie, Nora Benjamin
- Kumin, Maxine W
- Lambert, Janet
- Lang, Don
- Lansing, Elisabeth Hubbard
- Larom, Henry V
- Lathrop, Dorothy P
- Laune, Paul
- Lauritzen, Jonreed
- Lawrence, Mildred Elwood
- Lawson, Patrick (Lois Eby)
- Lawson, Robert
- Leighton, Margaret
- Leitch, Adelaide
- Leitch, Adelaide
- Levin, Betty
- Levy, Elizabeth
- Lindsay, Maud McKnight
- Lindsey, John
- Lippincott, Joseph Wharton
- Lloyd-Owen, Frances
- Loken, Anna Belle
- Longstreet, Stephen
- Loomis, J Paul
- Lovelace, Delos W
- Lovelace, Maud Hart
- Luce, Willard
- Lyman, Albert Robison
- Lyons, Dorothy
- MacDonald, Anne Louise
- Macdonald, Marianne
- MacDougall, Mary Katherine
- Mackall, Dandi Daley
- MacLeod, Ellen Jane
- MacLeod, Robert Parker
- Madison, Winifred
- Maher, Ramona
- Makerney, Edna Smith
- Malcolm, Jahnna N
- Malkus, Alida
- Martin, Ann M
- Martin, Bill and Bernard Martin
- Martin, Charles M
- Martin, Pam
- Martin, Patricia Miles
- Mason, Miriam E
- Matthews, Camille
- May, Barbara
- McAulay, Sara
- McBride, Claude Duval
- McCord, Joseph
- McDaniel, Lurlene
- McGavran, Grace W
- McGiffin, Lewis Lee
- McGiffin, Philo Norton
- McGoldrick, Karen
- McHargue, Georgess
- McKinley, Robin
- McLane, Gretel Blickhahn
- Mclary, Jane McIlvaine
- McMasters, Susanne
- McMeekin, Isabel McLennan
- McPhee, Peter
- Meader, Stephen
- Meek, Colonel S P
- Meigs, Cornelia
- Meigs, Elizabeth Bleecker
- Mellin, Jeanne
- Melville, Velma Caldwell
- Merrill, Jean
- Merwin, Decie
- Meyers, Gertrude Barlow
- Millard, Nicky
- Miller, Albert G
- Miller, Basil
- Miller, Eugenia
- Miller, Helen Markley
- Moeri, Louise
- Montgomery, George Rutherford
- Moody, Ralph
- Moore, Lilian and Leone Adelson
- Moore, Ruth Nulton
- Morey, Walt
- Morgan, Nancy
- Morgenroth, Barbara
- Morrison, Dorothy Nafus
- Muller, Dan
- Murphy, Bud
- Murray, Michael
- Musgrave, Florence
- Myers, MaryAnn
- Neff, Priscilla Holton
- Nesbit, Troy
- Newcomb, Covelle
- Newcomb, Ellsworth
- Newell, Martha Skinner
- Nielsen, Jean
- Norton, Andre
- O’Brien, Jack
- O’Connell, Alice Louise
- O’Dell, Scott
- O’Donoghue, Maureen
- O’Hara, Mary
- O’Hearn, Kate
- Oakley, Helen
- Olmstead, Robert
- Ormsby, Virginia
- Otto, Margaret Glover
- Pace, Mildred Mastin
- Pace, Miriam
- Pack, Elizabeth
- Paradis, Marjorie Bartholomew
- Pascal, Francine
- Patchin, Frank Gee
- Patton, Don
- Pearson, M J
- Peck, Robert Newton
- Pène du Bois, William
- Perrin, Blanche Chenery
- Peterson, Beatrice E
- Peterson, Shelley
- Petroski, Catherine
- Philbrick, Rodman
- Pinkwater, Jill
- Piper, Roberta
- Place, Marion T
- Platt, Chris
- Polikoff, Barbara Garland
- Pollock, Penny
- Porter, Ella William
- Powers, Alfred
- Priddy, Frances
- Primavera, Elise
- Pryor, Bonnie
- Puzo, Mario
- Radlauer, Edward and Ruth
- Raftery, Gerald
- Randall, George Archibald
- Randall, Janet
- Ranney, Agnes V
- Rawlins, Jennie Brown
- Reekie, Jocelyn
- Renau, Lynn S
- Reynolds, Butch
- Reynolds, Helen Dickson
- Reynolds, Marjorie
- Reynolds, Pamela
- Richards, Cyndi
- Riggs, Ida Berry
- Riley, Louise
- Rinaldi, Ann
- Rives, Amélie
- Robertson, Frank C
- Robertson, Keith
- Robinson, Kathleen
- Rockwood, Joyce
- Rodriguez, D L
- Rood, Ronald
- Rosevear, Marjorie
- Ross, Alfred Eric
- Rounds, Glen
- Rousseau Murphy, Shirley
- Rowland, Florence Wightman
- Rush, William Marshall
- Rushmore, Helen
- Russell, Amy
- Ryan, Pam Muñoz
- Ryden, Hope
- Sandburg, Helga
- Sanderson, Whitney
- Sanderson, William Elwood
- Sandoz, Mari
- Sargent, Peter
- Saunders, Susan
- Savage, Deborah
- Savage, Lee
- Savitt, Sam (author)
- Saxon, Nancy
- Schaefer, Jack
- Scharmach, Nancy J
- Schertle, Alice
- Schultz, James Willard
- Scott, Jim
- Scott, Paul and Beryl
- Scott, Sally
- Self, Margaret Cabell
- Sellnow, Les
- Seredy, Kate
- Shannon, Lytle
- Sharp, Adda Mai
- Sheldon, Ann
- Sherman, Josepha
- Short story collections (USA)
- Shurtleff, Bertrand
- Siamon, Sharon
- Silliman, Leland
- Simner, Janni Lee
- Singer, Marilyn
- Singer, Marilyn
- Skaar, Grace
- Skelton, Charles L
- Slade, Michael
- Slobodkin, Louis
- Smith, Beatrice, S
- Smith, Eunice Young
- Smith, Gene
- Smith, Linell Nash
- Smith, Marya
- Snelling, Lauraine
- Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk
- Snyder, Zilpha Keatley
- Springer, Nancy
- St John, Chris
- St Pierre, Paul
- Stanford, Don
- Stanley, Jean
- Stanton, Mary
- Starr, John Calvin
- Steele, William O
- Steffan, Jack
- Steiner, Stan
- Stevens, Mallory
- Stewart, Anna Bird
- Stiefvater, Maggie
- Stolz, Mary
- Stone, Eugenia
- Storm, Mark
- Summers, James L
- Sykes, Jo
- Szymanski, Lois
- Tate, Nikki
- Tavo, Gus
- Taylor, Don Alonzo
- Taylor, Pat Eytcheson
- Thayer, Geraldine
- Thompson, Jean
- Thompson, May Hall
- Thorne, Emily
- Tousey, Thomas Sanford
- Towne, Mary
- Townsend, Doris
- Tracy, Edward B
- Tremble, Freda B
- Tularski, Lura
- Tunis, John Roberts
- Turner, Gerry
- Turngren, Annette
- Urmston, Mary
- Vail, Virginia
- Van der Veer, Judy
- Van Doren, Mark
- van Steenwyk, Elizabeth
- Viereck, Phillip
- Vinton, Iris
- von Tempski, Armine
- Wagner, Sharon
- Waldeck, Theodore, J
- Walden, Amelia Elizabeth
- Walker, Diana
- Walters, Helen B
- Ward, Lynd
- Warren, Billy (William Warren)
- Watson, Helen Orr
- Weber, Leonora Mattingley
- Webster, Barbara
- Wedekind, Annie
- Wehren, Kate
- Weir, Joan Sherman
- Weir, LaVada
- Weiss, Harvey
- Wellman, Manley Wade
- Wells, Robert W (Bob Wells)
- Weyn, Suzanne
- Wharton, Virginia
- Whitley, Mary Ann
- Whitney, Kim Ablon
- Whitney, Phyllis Ayame
- Whyte, Janet M
- Wilbur, Frances
- Wildes, Newlin B
- Wilding, Suzanne
- Williams, Jeanne (J R)
- Williams, Tamara L
- Willis, Priscilla D
- Willis, Robert J
- Wilson, Diane Lee
- Wilson, Penelope Coker
- Windsor, Margaret A
- Winter, Suzette
- Witter, Evelyn
- Wojciechowska, Maia
- Wood, Elizabeth Lambert
- Woody, Regina J
- Worcester, Donald
- Wormser, Richard
- Wright, Gordon
- Yarnell, Duane
- Yolen, Jane
- Youmans, Eleanor Williams
- Young, John Richard
- Young, Miriam Burt
- Zumwalt, Eva