One of the earliest pony libraries was the Crown Pony Series, which featured titles published by the Lutterworth Press. Lutterworth published titles in various libraries (the Dominion Library was another, in which Pony Boy also appears) and it isn’t particularly easy to work out in what edition a title first appeared, or if it was in the Crown Pony Library when it did.
It’s also quite difficult to work out exactly how many titles were published in the Pony Library: they appeared both in hardback and paperback. As far as I can see, most titles were published between the mid 1960s and 1970s. The numbering doesn’t seem particularly consistent, with Pony Girl being listed both as Number 4 and Number 21.
The Lutterworth titles were mainly by authors who were in the second rank. The titles are generally good solid reads, but Monica Edwards or Ruby Ferguson they are not.
Title list
1. Elinore Havers – Dream Pony
2. Elinore Havers – Gay and the Ponies
3. Elinore Havers – A Pony to Catch
4. Hilda Boden – Pony Girl
5. Elinore Havers – Only One Pony
6. Sylvia Scott White – Pony Pageant
7. Elinore Havers – Pony Sleuths
8. Delphine Ratcliff – The Golden Pony
9. Delphine Ratcliff – Clear Round for Katy
10. Catherine Carey – Grey Arrow
11. Elinore Havers – Pony Watch
12. Catherine Carey – Pink Pony
13. Elinore Havers – The Great Pony Mystery
14. Catherine Carey – Show-Jumping Summer
15. Elinore Havers – Ponies Across the River
16. Catherine Carey – Because of a Pony
17. Catherine Carey – The Nameless Pony
18. Myrtle Green – A Pony – Doctor’s Orders
19. Elinore Havers – The Merry-March Ponies
20. Myrtle Green – The Part-Exchange Pony
21. Hilda Boden – Pony Boy
22. Hilda Boden – The Little Grey Pony

As far as I know, not all the Crown Pony titles made it into paperback. Listed below are those I have found:
Elinore Havers – Dream Pony
Elinore Havers – Gay and the Ponies
Elinore Havers – A Pony to Catch
Elinore Havers – Only One Pony
Sylvia Scott White – Pony Pageant
Elinore Havers – Pony Sleuths
Delphine Ratcliff – Clear Round for Katy
Catherine Carey – Show-Jumping Summer
Catherine Carey – Grey Arrow
Elinore Havers – Pony Watch
Elinore Havers – The Great Pony Mystery
Hilda Boden – The Little Grey Pony
The location for some of the cover photographs for the paperbacks was mentioned in a few of the titles. This is the acknowledgment in Pony Pageant:
The Publishers are grateful to Major and Mrs Bowley of Spire House, Pickitt’s Lane, Headley, Hampshire for permission to take the cover photograph at their riding stable.
The cover photos for Only One Pony and Dream Pony were also taken at Spire House.
The Great Pony Mystery cover photograph was taken at a different stable (though also in Hampshire): Miss J. Kemp’s riding stable in Chawton, Hampshire.
Many thanks to Emily Porter for all her help with the paperback editions.