Black Beauty Annuals 1972–85
Black Beauty Annuals were a dream of bliss for anyone who ever loved the television series.
The first spin-off from the series, The Adventures of Black Beauty, was a collection of stories rather than an actual annual, and featured the girl I wanted to be, Vicky, played by Judi Bowker. She was tall, beautiful and blonde, and she had the most amazing black horse. I was none of those things, and I had no horse, but I dreamed, and the first notes of the theme music spirit me straight back to being a gawky, horse-obsessed ten year old.
Judi Bowker was replaced by Stacey Dorning, who played Jenny, and who was shown on the covers of the annuals from 1974–77. The last two annuals (1980 and 1985) no longer showed photos of the cast on the covers. I have never actually had my hands on either of them, so don’t know if they sprang from the television series, or whether they were simply based on the original book. The television series itself was billed as a continuation of Anna Sewell’s book, rather than as being taken from it, which gave its creators scope to transform Black Beauty into a sort of late Victorian wonder horse.
I defy you to listen to this and not smile.
Links and sources
Richard Carpenter’s novelisation of the series
And a link to Cressida’s Pinterest board for all things Black Beauty: stills, models, View Master (remember them) …
Many thanks to Cressida for all her help with the photographs.
The annuals
World Distributors Ltd, Manchester, 1974
This annual contained features on horses, puzzles, and stories. These included:
The Tinkers’ Curse
The Runaways
The Long Week
The Visitor
Smile, Please
Who’s in the Well?

Black Beauty Annual 1976
World Distributors Ltd, Manchester, 1975
The stories
Five for Silver
Harvest Home
Into the Night
Excitement on Market Day
Beauty to the Rescue
Snakes and Scarabs

Black Beauty Annual 1977
World Distributors Ltd, Manchester, 1976
This annual was larger in format than the preceding issues, and was longer, weighing in at 80 pages rather than 60-odd. The contents remained the usual mixture: articles, puzzles and stories, with many more factual articles added to the mix. The stories are:
Stranger from the Past
Night Ride
The Amber RingBeauty in Training
The Hoard
Albert’s Disastrous Day
The Story of Ruth

Black Beauty Annual 1978
World Distributors Ltd, Manchester, 1977
The usual mixture: articles, puzzles and comic strip stories.

Black Beauty Annual 1979
World Distributors Ltd, Manchester, 1978
The usual mixture: articles, puzzles and comic strip stories.

Black Beauty Annual 1980
World Distributors Ltd, Manchester, 1979
The usual mixture: articles, puzzles and comic strip stories.

Black Beauty Annual 1985
Opal Quill, 1985
The usual mixture: articles, puzzles and comic strip stories.

TV tie-ins