The books
Short story collections were just as popular in America and Canada as they were in Britain. Listed below are just a sample of the horse story collections that have appeared over the years.
Grateful thanks to Susan and Christina for all their help with this section.
The American Girl Book of Horse Stories
Selected by the editors of American Girl magazine
Random House, New York, 1963, 183 pp, illus Sam Savitt
Danger Rides the River Road: Margaret Leighton
Beautiful and Free: Carolyn St Clair King
Fiesta Parade: Eleanor Hoffmann
A Touch of Arab: Vivian Breck
Sundance: June Hall Mills
Palomino Cupid: Frances Priddy
Two for the Show: Ellsworth Newcomb
A Horse in Her Future: Margaret Burrage
Ana Paula and the Golden Horse: Marian Garthwaite
Tall as the Stars: Janet Lambert

Best Book of Horse Stories
Edited by Pauline Rush Evans
Doubleday, New York, 1964, illus Dan Noonan
No Sum Too Small: Murray Hoty
Can a Horse Know Too Much? Genevieve Torrey Eames
Blood Royal: Montgomery M Atwater
Misty of Chincoteague: Marguerite Henry (extracts)
Champion of the Peaks: Paul Annixter
Salute – Learning to Ride Together: C W Anderson
The Potato Race: Helen Train Hilles
and more as yet unknown

The Big Book of Favorite Horse Stories
Edited by Phyllis Cellini Braun
Platt & Munk (Grosset & Dunlap), NY, 1978, foreword and illus by Sam Savitt
The Black Stallion and the Red Mare: Gladys Francis Lewis
The First Race: C W Anderson (from High Courage)
My Friend Flicka (the original short story): Mary O’Hara
Beast of God: Cecilia Dabrowska
Night Star: Stephen Holt
The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse: William Saroyan
Two-Bits of Traffic C: Irving Crump
The Royal Greens: Russell Gordon Carter
Coaly-Bay, the Outlaw Horse: Ernest Thompson Seton
Before Misty: Marguerite Henry (from Misty of Chincoteague)
The Gift: John Steinbeck (from The Red Pony)
The Seeing Eye: Will James
Trapped: Sam Savitt (from Vicki and the Black Horse)
First Day Finish: Jessamyn West (from The Friendly Persuasion)
The Black Horse: Jim Kjelgaard
Metzengerstein: Edgar Allan Poe
Easy Does It!: Robert L McGrath
The Winning of Dark Boy: Josephine Noyes Felts
The Horse of the Sword: Manuel Buaken
The Adventures of Black Beauty: Anna Sewell (extract)
Indian Fighter: Stephen Holt
An Imperial Performance: Felix Salten (from Florian)
Flame: Willis Lindquist
Waif of the Jungle: Nina Ames Frey (from The River Horse)
Christiano: W H Hudson

Book of Horses and their pictures
By Eleanor F Pease
A Whitman, Chicago, 1949, illus James L Cannon

The Boy’s Life Book of Horse Stories
Selected by the editors of Boys’ Life
Random House, New York, 1963, 182 pp, illus Sam Savitt
Wild Bronc: Kerry Wood
Tale of Two Horses: B J Chute
Wild Horse Roundup: Glenn Balch
Ride the Rough String: D S Jalacy, Jr
The Curb Bit: Carl Henry Rathjen
The Mudhen, V.S.: Merritt P Allen
Horse with Cow Savvy: Joseph Stocker
Sacrifice Spurs: Carl Henry Rathjen
Boss of the Cross-O: Stephen Payne

C W Anderson’s Favorite Horse Stories
Collected and illustrated by C W Anderson
E P Dutton & Co, Inc, New York, 1967, 192 pp.
Horses are Like Some People: Joe H Palmer
Stymie-Common Folks: Joe H Palmer
Velvet and the Piebald: Enid Bagnold
John Peel: John Woodcock Graves
The Last Catch: Will James
Chapo – the Faker: Will James
Billy Barton: C W Anderson
The Battered Brigade: Will H Ogilvie
The Spotted Wonder: Steve Donoghue
Brown Jack: Steve Donoghue
Old Man Sanford: John Taintor Foote
The Look of Eagles: John Taintor Foote
The Straight Goer: Will H Ogilvie
Putnam: U S Army
Pawnee: C W Anderson
The Ride of His Life: David Gray
Old English Hunting Song
Big Red: Arthur Bartlett
Man o’War vs Upset: Willie Knapp
Right Royal: John Masefield
Cowboy: Ross Santee
Colts in Pasture: Billy B Cooper
Eddie Arcaro and Whirlaway: Eddie Arcaro
Eddie Arcaro and Citation: Eddie Arcaro
Big Red: J A Estes

Classic horse stories
Compiled by Christina Rossetti Darling and Blue Lantern Studio
Chronicle Books, San Francisco, 2010
Foal: Mary Britton Miller
Black Beauty: Anna Sewell (excerpt)
The Story of the First Woman Bucking Bronc Rider: Milt Riske
The Cowgirl: E. A. Brininstool (excerpt)
The Red Pony: John Steinbeck (excerpt)
The Old Brown Horse: J. Yorke Bailey
The Horse: William Shakespeare
The Plug-horse Derby: Emma L. Brock (excerpt)
The Legend of Pegasus: E. and J. Lehner
Pegasus: Eleanor Farjeon
Five O’Clock Charlie: Marguerite Henry
The Horse: Elizabeth Madox Roberts
Wild Horses: Mary Crow
Happy Horsemanship: Dorothy Henderson Pinch (excerpt)
White Horses: Eleanor Farjeon
Thoroughbreds and Their Mascots: C. W. Anderson
The Horse and His Boy: C. S. Lewis (excerpt)
Blackfoot Indian Legend of the Horse as told: He-Who-Loves-Horses
Farewell to the Farm: Robert Louis Stevenson
The Black Stallion: Walter Farley (excerpt)
A Short History of the Cowboy: Holling C. Holling
Winter’s Tale: Mark Helprin (excerpt)
Poncho the Pony: Patsy Montana
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass: Lewis Carroll (excerpt)
The Fly-Away Horse: Eugene Field
Galloping Horses [no author given]
Equestrienne: Rachel Field
Runaway Pony, Runaway Dog: Ruth and Latrobe Carroll (excerpt)
Cowboy Poem [no author given]
A True Horse Tale [no author given]

Five True Horse Stories
By Margaret Davidson
Scholastic Inc, New York, 1979
Scholastic, New York, 1992
The Story of Justin Morgan
The Story of the Pacing White Mustang
The Story of Misty
The Story of Brighty
THe Stor of Clever Hans

Golden Prize and Other Stories About Horses
Whitman Pub Co, Racine, Wis, 1965, illus Mel Crawford
Western Pub Co, Racine, Wis, 1968, illus Cliff Schule
Golden Prize: Erva Loomis Merow
Molly Takes a Holiday: Mabel Watts
Lefty, the Wrong-Way Pony: Florence Laughlin Runaway Bob: Peg Bottomley
Dancer Carries Double: Trella Lamson Dick
The Cow Pony: Bernadine Beatie
Coco, the Circus Horse: Jean Fiedler
A Present for Peanuts: Eva Grant
Clancy’s Last Tour: Jean Lewis
Little Con: Ellen Dolan

Great Stories about horses
Compiled by Eleanor M Edwards
Hart Pub Co, New York, 1963, illus Hamilton Greene
The Royal Greens: Russell Gordon Carter
A Horse Afraid of His Shadow: Frances Carpenter
Jeb Stuart, Boy in the Saddle: Gertrude Hecker Winders
The Kind Caliph and the Horse Thief: Frances Carpenter
Such a Kind World: Mabel Leigh Hunt
Washington’s Scout: Francis L Kroll
Can a Horse Know Too Much?: Genevieve Torrey Eames
A Grown-up Could Hardly Have Stood It: Lincoln Steffens
The Prince’s Foal: Frances Carpenter
No Sum Too Small: Murray Hoyt
If Wishes Were Horses: Adele DeLeeuw
The Winged Horse: Nathaniel Hawthorne

herds of Thunder, Manes of Gold
Compiled and edited by Bruce Colville
Doubleday, New York, 1989,
illus Ted Lewin
Doubleday, New York, 1991
My Horse: William Shakespeare (King Henry V, 3,vii)
Flight of the Swan: Marian Flandrick Bray
The Birth of a King: Marguerite Henry (From King of the Wind)
The White Horse Girl and the Blue Wind Boy: Carl Sandburg
Prairie Lightning: Peter G Roop
Dawn Horse: Jane Yolen
White Horses: Anne Elliot Crompton
The Taming of Bucephalus: retold by Bruce Coville
Joe Green Grows Up: Anna Sewell (from Black Beauty)
Barn Gravity: Nancy Springer
Orchard: Ruth Stone
The Winged Horse: Nathaniel Hawthorne
My Friend Flicka: Mary O’Hara
Dear Pony: Shirley Rousseau Murphy
Sunrise: Mary Stanton
Dapplegrim: retold by Bruce Coville
To Ride the Sea of Grass: Jennifer Roberson

By John Taintor Foote
Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York, 1950
Grosset & Dunlap, NY
Shame on You
A Fowl Disaster
Two Ringers
Tres Jolie
Old Man Sanford
The Look of Eagles
A Tip in Time
Spirit Dope
The Big Train
Old Pastures

Horses, Horses, Horses
Selected by Phyllis Fenner
Franklin Watts, New York, 1949, 285 pp, illus Pers Crowell
Chatto & Windus, London, 1953, 238 pp. illus Pers Crowell
Champions of the Peaks: Paul Annixter
The Match Race: Walter Farley
King of the Range: Margaret Jamison
The Royal Greens: Russell Gordon Carter
The Squeak of Leather: Will James
Can a Horse Know Too Much?: Genevieve Torrey Eames
Scott Makes Good: Col S P Meek
Gladys F Lewis
High Courage: C W Anderson
The Roping Contest: Stephen Holt
Such a Kind World: Mabel L Hunt
Bucephalus, a King’s Horse: Alice Gall & Fleming Crew
Mohawk Makes a Comeback: C W Anderson
The Cutter Race: Stephen Meader
Death Dive: Stephen Holt
Jarvis Discovers Gold: Genevieve Torrey Eames
Corral Walls: David Grew

horses, horses, horses
Edited by Suzanne Wilding
Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1970, illus Sam Savitt
The Seeing Eye: Will James
My Friend Flicka: Mary O’Hara (the original short story)
The End of the Race: Max Brand (from Alcatraz)
Jim McNab’s Story: Sam Savitt (from Midnight)
My Old Man: Ernest Hemingway (from The Fifth Column and the First Forty-nine Stories)
The Hammond: John Taintor Foote (from The Look of Eagles)
The Race: Jane McIlvaine (from The Will to Win)
Everybody Loves Kelso: Suzanne Wilding
Modern American Fox Hunting (no author mentioned)
How the Brigadier Slew the Fox: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (from The Adventures of Gerard)
Peter: Gorden Grand (from TheMillbeck Hounds)
The Tale of Anthony Bell: Sir Alfred Munnings, K.C.V.O.
Florian Performs for Franz Joseph: Felix Salten (from Florian)
Snow Man, the Farm Horse that Became a Champion: Philip B. Kunhardt
The Will: Maia Wojciechowska (from A Kingdom in a Horse)
It’s My Own Invention: Lewis Carroll (from Through the Looking Glass)

Horse Stories
By Jack Bechdolt
Simon and Schuster, New York, 1950, illus Cornelius Dewitt

Horse Stories in Basic Vocabulary
By Edward and Marguerite Dolch
Garrard Press, Champagne, Illinois, 1958, illus Charles Forsythe

Horse Tales
A collection of stories edited by Suzanne Wilding
Martin’s Press 1976, illus Sam Savitt
Wilding lived in England as a child, and notes in the foreword that Silver Snaffles was among her favorites.
Contents (extracts)
The Run: Suzanne Wilding (from Big Jump for Robin)
In Tattles’s Stable: Primrose Cumming (from Silver Snaffles)
Jumper: Nicholas Kalashnikoff (extract)
The Big Gamble: Walter Farley (from Man O’ War)
The Hunt Cup: Sam Savitt (from There Was a Horse)
Starface: J Frank Dobie (from The Mustangs)
One Good Turn: Will James (from Horses I Have Known)
It Must Have Been Spring: John O’Hara (from Hope of Heaven)
Bucephalus: Alice Gall and Fleming Crew (from Each in His Way)
Contents (short stories)
A Carrot for a Chestnut: Dick Francis
The Horse Looked at Him: MacKinlay Kantor
The Small Miracle: Paul Gallico
The Lady of Leisure: Helen Dore Boylston
Baby Face: Colin Lofting
The Horse That Had it Made: Newlin B. Wildes
Faith, Perfect Faith: Gordon Grand

Palomino and other horses
Edited, introduced and illustrated by Wesley Dennis
World Pub Co, Cleveland, 1950
Palomino: Bud Murphy
Chapo – the Faker: Will James
Sit Your Saddle Solid: Mari Sandoz
Black Storm: Thomas C Hinkle
Tzagan: Clement Wood
The Horse Called Pete: Elisa Bialk
A Pool About a Horse: Ross Santee
Coaly-Bay the Outlaw Horse: Ernest Thompson Seton
Broiefort, the Black Arabian: James Baldwin
The Sea-Horse of Grand Terre: Charles Tenny Jackson
Gentle Like a Cyclone: R Ross Annett
A Man Needs a Horse: Hyatt Downing
Harum Scarum: the Life Story of a Horse: Sarah Bowes-Lyon
The Rancher’s Horse: Russell H Bennett

Read-Aloud Horse Stories
By Mabel Watts
Golden Books, New York, 1961, illus John Moodie
Golden Pleasure Books, 1963
The Horse who Went Out of Style
The Extra-Special Bargain
Star’s Reward
The Big Pony Mix-up
Hotel for Animals
Whose Horse is That
Little Lightfoot
Royal’s Revenge
The Scare-Horse
Ginger Makes Good
Circus Horse
A Horse for Two
The Colt in the China Shop
Right Horse – Wrong Job!
Too Hot for Spunky
The Discontented Horse
Smoky’s Mistake
Wednesday’s Horse
Learning to Ride
A Playmate for Paddy
The Money Horse
The Magic Blinkers

Roger Caras’ Treasury of Great Horse Stories
Dutton, NY, 1990
Galahad Books, 1993
Plume, 1994
Bristol Park Books, 2007
A Horse’s Tale: Mark Twain
The Flight of the Horse: Larry Niven
Mr. Travers’s First Hunt: Richard Harding Davis
Levant: Hugh Johnson
The Man-Killer: George Pattullo
Skyrocket and the Blue Stuff: Cloudesley Johns
The Maltese Cat: Rudyard Kipling
Treading Down the Herd’s-Grass: Charles A Stephens
A Mistake in Identity: Shelly Rider Meyer
Silver Blaze: Arthur Conan Doyle
The Doctor’s Horse: Mary Wilkins Freeman
The Old Jim Horse: J Lincoln Steffens
In Front of the Stampede: Alvah Milton Merr
Over the Jumps: Alfred Stoddart
The Cumbersome Horse: H C Bunner
Pete, the Circassian Horse: Ellis Parker Butler
The Tale of a Cayuse: F R Weir
Skipper: Sewell Ford
The Black Roan of 265: A W Rolker
The Man Who Could Not Lose: Richard Harding Davis
The Horses of Bostil’s Ford: Zane Grey
Carved in Sand: Erle Stanley Gardner
The Winged Foal: Deborah Moulton

Teen-Age Horse Stories
Lantern Press, New York, 1950, illus Richard Osborne
Big Bones Rides Alone: Frank H Cheley
The Black Horse: Jim Kjelgaard
Lucky Star: Pat Allard
Two-bits of Traffic C: Irving Crump
Jingle Wears His Spurs: Dan Sellard
Sagebrush Champion: Harry Sinclair Drago
A Horse of Her Own: Stephen Payne
Ride ‘Im Chick Norris!: Joseph S Fleming
Ba-ee: Kathryn Cook
A Filly Owns a Fella!: Matt Armstrong
Stand to Horse: Fairfax Downey
Indian Fighter: Stephen Holt
Apple for Mom: Stephen Holt