The books
There are a lot of collections of short stories out there. They were convenient presents for those who had a pony-mad person to buy for, but who didn’t know what they liked. The books could be put together easily if you simply went for extracts, dressing the book up further by getting a known name to do the picking for you. Christine Pullein-Thompson and K M Peyton, for example, both produced collections of short stories.
The best tend to be those which show the personality behind the choosing. Puffin’s short story collection, chosen by K M Peyton, is probably the best out there, providing an insight into what K M Peyton herself liked, as well as a decent collection of stories.
The collections are listed in alphabetical order, by title.
Best Horse Stories
Intro John Francome MBE
Brockhampton Press, Leicester
Pan Books, London, 1992
Wings Books, Random House, New York, 1992
A Stranger to the Wild: Charles C D Roberts
Black Horses: Luigi Pirandello
The Gymkhana: Enid Bagnold
Sugar for the Horse: H E Bates
The Maltese Cat: Rudyard Kipling
My First Wild Horse: Barbara Woodhouse
Mr Carteret and His Fellow Americans Abroad: David Gray
An Expensive Operation: James Herriot
The 500 Mile Race from Deadwood to Omaha: Jack Schaefer
The Horse Show: Clare Leighton
First Money: Will James
Tale of the Gipsy Horse: Donn Byrne
How Mr Pickwick Undertook to Drive and Mr Winkle to Ride: Charles Dickens
Philippa’s Fox-Hunt: E Somverville and Martin Ross
A Genuine Mexican Plug: Mark Twain
Lost in the Moors: Diana Pullein-Thompson
Ballinasloe Buys and Point-to-Points: Marjorie Quarton
A Happy Ending: Anna Sewell

The Best of Pony Club Stories
Chosen by Genevieve Murphy
Purnell & Sons, London, 1978, 127 pp.
This collection was selected from stories which appeared in The Pony Club Annual.
No Pony Like Tango: Patricia Jamieson
A Matter of Background: Primrose Cumming
The Noble Cause: Elizabeth Rigbey
That Pony Will Have to Go: Nicola Herd
Jennifer’s Pony: Cdr. H Falcon-Steward
A Promise to Dawn: Veronica Riches
A Polo Conversation: Pauline Gerrard
Double Trouble: Carol Vaughan
Doctor’s Orders: Jennifer Wharton
Chop and Change: Josephine Pullein-Thompson
Nicky Would Not Move: Alicia Moore
The Badger Brigade: Selina Charlton

Christine Pullein-Thompson’s Book of Pony Stories
Piccolo, London, 1975, 155 pp. Illus Gareth Floyd, cover Carol Lawson
The Wild White Horses: Joyce Stranger
Sure Magic: Monica Edwards
A Matter of Background: Primrose Cumming
A Ride along the Icknield Way: Monica Dickens
The Last of the Horsemen: Reginald Ottley
Princess at the Circus: Kathleen O’Farrell
The Skeleton Rider: Christine Pullein-Thompson
The Summer Film: Selina Charlton
My Welsh Pony: Laurian Jones
Up in the Woods: Ursula Moray-Williams
Pleasant, the Farm Horse: Vian Smith
The Scavenger Hunt: Josephine Pullein-Thompson

Classic Horse and Pony Stories
Chosen by Diana Pullein-Thompson
Dorling Kinderseley, London, 1999
Chosen by Diana Pullein-Thompson, illus Neal Puddephatt, 96 pp.
This book is notable for being the only other time Jill’s pony Black Boy is renamed Danny Boy.
Live Cargo: Marguerite Henry (from Misty of Chincoteague)
Born in the Wild Wind: Elyne Mitchell (from The Silver Brumby)
Pegasus: Roger Lancelyn Green
A Foal for Candy: Diana Pullein-Thompson (extract)
My Breaking In: Anna Sewell (from Black Beauty)
The White Knight: Lewis Carroll (from Alice Through the Looking Glass)
The Champions: Monica Edwards
Post Time: Walter Farley (from The Black Stallion and the Girl)
My Friend Flicka: Mary O’Hara (extract)
Jilll’s Gymkhana: Ruby Ferguson (extract)
The First Man on Mancha’s Back: A F Tschiffely (from The Tale of Two Horses)

Deadly Odds: Crime and Mystery Stories of the Turf
Selected and introduced by Richard Peyton
Souvenir Press, London, 1986
Chivers Press, Bath, 1987
As At The Track, Bonanza Books, New York, 1986
As Great Racing Stories, Chancellor Press, London, 1993
Includes stories by:
Dick Francis
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Nat Gould
Rudyard Kipling
Edgar Wallace
Damon Runyan
Anthony Gilbert
Ellery Queen
Michael Innes

Favourite Pony Stories
Littlehampton Book Services, 1981
Revised edition, Octopus Books Ltd, London, 2nd imp 1989, illus Reginald Gray (line illustrations); Linda Garland (colour illustrations); cover artwork Gwyneth Jones.
The Olympics: Brian Forbes (from International Velvet)
A Coup Of The Long Lance: Jack Schaefer
In The Land Of The Houyhnhnms: Jonathan Swift (from Gulliver’s Travels)
The Phantom Roundabout: Ruth Ainsworth (from The Phantom Roundabout and other stories)
I Can Jump Puddles: Alan Marshall (extract)
Catch A Pony: Joanna Cannan (from They Bought Her a Pony)
The Wild White Pony: Robert Moss
Problems: K M Peyton (from Fly-By-Night)
My Friend Flicka: Mary O’Hara (extract)
Quarter Horse Boy: Mary Patchett (extract)
The Draught Horse: James Herriot (from Let Sleeping Vets Lie)
Taming The Colt: Louisa M Alcott (from Little Men)
The Black Stallion: Walter Farley (extract)
The Circus: Alison Uttley (from The Country Child)
The Horse And His Boy: C S Lewis (extract)
The Show: Margaret MacPherson (from Ponies For Hire)
Vronsky’s Race: Leo Tolstoy (from Anna Karenina)
On Horseback: Guy de Maupassant
Bulls On The Marismas Marshes: Pat Smythe (from A Spanish Adventure)
The Chimaera: Nathaniel Hawthorne
A Job Horse And Its Drivers: Anna Sewell (from Black Beauty)
The Little White Horse: Elizabeth Goudge (extract)
Black Velvet: Christine Pullein-Thomopson (extract)

Great horse Stories
Chosen by Pamela Macgregor-Morris
Arthur Barker, London, 1961, 223 pp, illus Susan Pares
Hill & Wang, New York, 1961, illus Susan Pares
Smoky’s Homecoming: Will James
Hard Times: Anna Sewell (from Black Beauty)
St Margaret of St Ives: Gordon Grand (from The Silver Horn)
Mr Pickwick as a Whip: Charles Dickens (from The Pickwick Papers)
Major Yeates: Somerville & Ross (from Some Experiences of an Irish R M)
An Irish Hunt: Marigold Armitage (from A Long Way to Go)
The Baron and His Horse: Anon (from The Travels of Baron Munchausen)
Somewhere in France: Richard Ball (from Broncho)
The Dealer’s Yard: R S Surtees (from Some Experiences of an Irish R M)
Mr Soapey Goes Horse-Coping: Surtees (from Mr Sponge’s Sporting Tour)
‘Your Handwriting, Sir,’: G J Whyte-Melville (from Market Harborough)
Cahirmee Fair: ‘Spider’ Jacobson (from Huic Holloa!)
The White Knight on Equitation: Lewis Carroll (from Alice Through the Looking Glass)
The First Ride: George Borrow (from Lavengro)
Mr Pickwick as a Horseman: Charles Dickens (from Pickwick Papers)
The Colonel’s Cup: Siegfried Sassoon (from Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man)
The Christening of Hildebrand: John Thorburn (from Hildebrand)
Phari the Pony and Thunder the Mule: M E Buckingham (from Phari)
Melka is Stolen by Gypsies: Joan Penney (from Melka in England)
Modestine: R L Stevenson (from Travels with a Donkey)
A Grown-up Could Hardly Have Stood It (from The Autobiography of Lincoln Steffens)
The Highwayman’s Mare: R D Blackmore (from Lorna Doone)
Three Hunting Songs by G J Whyte-Melville
Mr Jorrocks Crosses a Country: R S Surtees (from Handley Cross)

Horse and Pony Stories
Hamlyn Publishing, London, 1971, illus F D Phillips, 262 pp.
Various reprints done for retail organisations such as BHS
The Battle for Blandy Common: Robert Bateman
Leave it to Lady: David Gammon
Racing Rivals: Marjorie Stace
I Wanted a Pony: Lilias Edwards
The Ghost Horse of Hidden Valley: Sheila Austin
The Early Life of Black Beauty: Anna Sewell
Up in the Woods: Ursula Moray Williams
Princess at the Circus: Kathleen Farrell
Horse Sense: Evelyn Day
Redsands Gymkhana: Sheila Thom

Horse and Pony Stories
Edited by Janet Barber
Sundial Books Ltd, London, 1979, 478 pp.
St Michael edition
The Forty Pound Pony: K M Peyton (from Fly-by-Night)
The Old Grey Mare: J Frank Dobie
My Friend Flicka: Mary O’ Hara
The Gipsies’ Pony: James Heriot (from All Creatures Great and Small)
Hollywood Horses: Anthony Amaral (from Movie Horses)
The Haunted Hunt: R J Richardson (from Strange Stories of the Chase)
Marengo and Copenhagen: Stella A Walker (from Horses of Renown)
Carrot for a Chestnut: Dick Francis
The Pony’s Sixth Sense: Eric Squires (from Pit Pony Heroes)
The Little Horses: Shirley Marler
The Gymkhana: Enid Bagnold (from National Velvet)
A European Title: Genevieve Murphy (from Princess Ann and Mark Phillips Talking about Horses)
The Connemara Donkey: Eleanor Farjeon (from The Little Bookroom)
The Coop: Edgar Wallace
My Early Home: Anna Sewell (from Black Beauty)
Learning to Ride: F Hodgson Burnett (from Little Lord Fauntleroy)
Bareback: Meindert DeJong (from A Horse Came Running)
Ebony Joins the Circus: Josephine Pullein-Thompson (from Black Ebony)
The Queen Meets the Lipizzaners: Alois Podhajsky (from My Dancing White Horses)
Silver Blaze: Arthur Conan Doyle
A Horribly Horsey Daughter: Josephine Pullein-Thompson
Jumper: Nicholas Kalashnikoff
Jane Eyre Meets Mr Rochester: Charlotte Bronte (from Jane Eyre)
The Pony Express: Mark Twain
Follyfoot Farm: Monica Dickens (extract)
Mr Sponges’ Sporting Tour: Surtees
Red Rum’s First National: Ivor Herbert (from Red Rum)
Sweetbriar Turns a Somersault: K M Peyton (from Flambards)
Shasta Sets out on His Travels: C S Lewis (from The Horse and His Boy)
International Show Jumping: Pat Smythe (from Jump for Joy)
Mr Winkles’ Equestrian Adventure: Charles Dickens (from The Pickwick Papers)
The Country of the Houyhnhnms: Jonathan Swift (from Gulliver’s Travels)
Operation Sippacik: Rumer Godden
The Cowboy: Vincent Paul Rennert
The Storm Breaks: Gerald Raftery (from Snow Cloud, Stallion)

Horse & Pony Stories – a Thoroughbred Collection
Kingfisher Books, London, hb, 1992
Kingfisher Books, London, pb, 2004, illus Victor Ambrus, 256 pp.
My Friend Flicka: Mary O’Hara (extract)
The Wild Heart: Helen Griffiths (extract)
Breed of Giants: Joyce Stranger (extract)
Silver Blaze: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Black Beauty: Anna Sewell (extract)
Bellerophon: L S Hyde
Horse in the House: William Corbin (extract)
Banks and Morocco: Ruth Manning Sanders
The Ghost in the Top Meadow: Christine Pullein-Thompson
Strider: The Story of a Horse: Leo Tolstoy
A Wayside Adventure: C S Lewis (from A Horse and His Boy)
Rescue: Walter Farley (From The Black Stallion)
The Rocking-Horse Winner: DH Lawrence
Behold, the Palio!: Marguerite Henry (from Gaudenzia, Pride of the Palio)
A Man Justly Popular: R D Blackmore (from Lorna Doone)
Follyfoot (extract): Monica Dickens
“Oh Cobweb, How Could You”: Josephine Pullein-Thompson
Red Morning: Joanna Cannan (from More Ponies for Jean)
War Horse: Michael Morpurgo (extract)
The Brogue: Saki

Horse Stories That Really Happened
Chosen by Diana Kimpton, and illustrated by Eric Robson
Scholastic Children’s Books, 1999
The Taming of Bucephalus
Saving Savanna
Dancing for Their Lives
Foinavon’s National
Annie’s Story

The Kingfisher Book of Horse and Pony Stories
Chosen by Jenny Oldfield
Kingfisher, 2005, front cover Richard Jones, rear Angelo Rinaldi
Reprinted in 2006, pb.
The Last Round-up: Jenny Oldfield
The Rivals: Gill Harvey
A Horse Without Equal: Elizabeth Holland
A Different Kind of Pony: Matilda Webb
Madrigal’s Melody: Lois Ruby
The Car Park Pony: Judy Paterson
Little Miss Perfect and Me: Rebecca Kraft Rector
Inkblack: Rosemary Chiba
Ride Like the Wind: Pamela Kavanagh
Driving Rosie: Jenny Land
Joey’s Last Gallop: Cindy Jefferies
Red: Jenny Oldfield

More Bedtime Stories
Chosen by Christine Pullein-Thompson
Cavalier Paperbacks, 1997
I Want to be a Racehorse
Mrs Poodle’s Pony
Tom’s Friends
My Own Little Pony

more horse and pony stories
Octopus Books, 1981, illus Janet Sachs

My Favourite Horse Stories
Chosen by Dorian Williams
Lutterworth Books, London, 1968
Beaver Books, 1976, 158 pp.
Horses and People: Monica Dickens (from Cobbler’s Dream)
The First Grand National: Con O Leary (from Grand National)
Henry V, Act iii, Scene 7: Shakespeare
Makle Adel: Ivan Turgenev (from A Sportsman’s Notebook)
Our Gymkhana: Susan Chitty (from My Life and Horses)
The Smuggler’s Leap: Richard Harris Barham (from The Ingoldsby Legends)
Anything Long and Sharp: Dick Francis (from Flying Finish)
A Ride at Sandown: John Hislop (from Far From a Gentleman)
The Zebras: Roy Campbell (from Adamastor)
The Old Firm: R C Lyle (from Brown Jack)
The Invasion: Leo Tolstoy (from War and Peace)
The Donkey: G K Chesterton (from The Wild Knight and Other Poems)
Point-to-Point: Dorian Williams (from Pancho)
Mr Jorrocks at Newmarket : R S Surtees (from Jorrocks’s Jaunts and Jollities)
The Haunted Hunt: R J Richardson (from The Haunted Hunt)

Pony Parade
Christine Pullein-Thompson
Granada, 1978, pb
A collection of bits and pieces; fiction and non fiction. The stories are:
My Midnight Ride: Joanna Cannan (from A Pony for Jean)
All Hell Let Loose: Diana Pullein-Thompson (from Black Beauty’s Clan)
Pony Patrol End a Racket: Christine Pullein-Thompson
Letters to an Elder Sister: Christine Pullein-Thompson

Pony Stories for Girls
by Edward Holmes
Young World Productions Ltd, London, illus Michael Whittlesea, 154 pp.
This collection was written entirely by Edward Holmes.
Once Upon a Time There was a Pony
The Truth About the Coggledown Carnival
Magpie and the New Forest Foal
Soldier, Sailor and the Great Occasion
Frailie O’Learie and the Little Green Horse
Looking After the Old Gentleman
Who Says That They Don’t Understand?
The Battle of Bartley Heath
Maryinska and the Enchanted Prince
It’s Further on Two Legs Than on Four
The Great Trinket Kidnapping Plot
….and So the Wild Horses Had a King
The Gentleing of Mab Carew
You Can Get Very Fond of a Pony Like Tipsy
Where Do All the Rosettes Go?

Pony Tales – Short Stories for Pony Mad Readers
DJ Murphy (Publishers) Ltd, 1988. Pb. 96 pp.
This book is a collection of short stories written by PONY Magazine contributors. The stories I presume first appeared in the magazine.
A Little Grey Foal: Christine Pullein-Thompson
The Treasure Seeker: Antoinette Lee
Midnight Stallion: Patricia Leitch
If Wishes Were Horses: Linda Rostron
Joker’s Promise: Fliss Gillott
Saving Up: Anna Baness
The Runaway: Carol Vaughan
Good Prospects: Rosemary Simmonds
Emma: Catherine Maclean

Proud Riders
Chosen by Josephine Pullein-Thompson
Brockhampton Press, Leicester, 1973, 128 pp.
A collection of short stories, poems and non-fiction
A review of the book at the Pullein-Thompson blogspot
The Riding Lesson: Joanna Cannan (from More Ponies for Jean)
A Horse of Habit: Mark Twain (from Roughing It)
Pigsticking: F. Yeats-Brown (from Bengal Lancer)
The New Horse: Siegfried Sassoon (from Memoirs of a Fox-hunting Man)
Hunter Trials: John Betjeman
The Yellow Horse of Crooksbury: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (from Sir Nigel)
The Aggressive Princess: Marco Polo (from The Travels of Marco Polo)
Banks and Morocco: Ruth Manning-Sanders (from Animal Stories)
A Bad Name: Lilian Gask (from True Stories About Horses)
Equestrian Courtship: Thomas Hood
Grandfather’s Horses: Ian Niall (from A Galloway Childhood)
The African Foal: Seigfried Stander (from The Horse)
A Cowboy’s Life: Anon
A Breeder of Piebalds: W.H. Hudson (from Far Away and Long Ago)
The Geebung Polo Club: A B Paterson
The Nomination Race: G. March-Phillips (from Sporting Print)
Two Races: Gordon Richards (from My Story)
The Little Worn-Out Pony: Anon
The Adventures of an English Cowboy: J M Pollock (from The Unvarnished West)
Strider’s Story: Leo Tolstoy (from Strider)
The Riderless Horse: Shakespeare (from Venus and Adonis)

The Puffin Book of Horse and Pony Stories
Edited by K M Peyton
Puffin Books, 1993, hb, ed K M Peyton, illus Kay Hodges
Puffin Books, 1994, ed K M Peyton
A Pony for Jean: Joanna Cannan (extract)
Silver Snaffles: Primrose Cumming (extract)
Rosina Copper: Kitty Barne (extract)
The Black Brigade: W J Gordon
National Velvet: Enid Bagnold (extract)
Jump For Joy: Pat Smythe (extract)
Horse Of Air: Lucy Rees (extract)
Another Pony for Jean: Joanna Cannan (extract)
Who Sir? Me Sir?: K M Peyton (extract)
Smoky: Will James (extract)

The Puffin Book of Horses
Edited by Susan Chitty and Anne Parry, illus Michael Charlton; John Varney
Kestrel Books, Harmondsworth, 1975
Puffin Books, 1975
To the Death: Elyne Mitchell
The Devotion of a Horse
The Tartar Pony: W T Lyall
The Perfect Horse: Virgil
Pat Smythe Buys Prince Hal: Pat Smythe
The Wild, the Free: Lord Byron
The Exmoor: Vian Smith
The Fire: Anna Sewell
Kindess to Horses: Vladimir Mayakovsky
The Horse and the Fox: Barbara Ker Wilson
The Horse’s Sight: James W Winter
How Horses Sleep: James W Winter
The Language of Ears: Count Eugenio Martinengo-Cesaresco
Understanding Your Horse: Monica Dickens
Poor Old Horse: Anon
The Boy Who Heard Horses Talk: George MacDonald
Talking to Horses: Barbara Woodhouse
The Whisperer: William J Miles
Thunderhead, King of the Herd: Mary O’Hara
Horses: Edwin Muir
Jack and His Pony, Tom: Hilaire Belloc
The First Pony: Siegfried Sassoon
Letter from a Pony Club Mum: Col The Hon C Guy Cubitt
Pearl Makes a Bet: K M Peyton
The Centaur: May Swenson
Lavengro’s First Ride: George Borrow
An Italian Boy’s Horses: Count Victor Alfieri
A Night Ride: Katherine Hull and Pamela Whitlock
Going Home After Hunting: Nancy Mitford
The Long Distance Rider: S Sidney
Sugar for the Horse: H E Baers
The Highwayman’s Mare: R D Blackmore
Children in Panniers: S Sidney
Hunter Trials: John Betjeman
Keep Your Temper: Xenophon
Getting On: R J Yeatman and W C Sellar
The White Knight: Lewis Carroll
Neopolitano Africa: Alois Podhajsky
The Dismounted Rally: C Northcote Parkinson
The Arab Horseman
How to Dress a Horse: R J Yeatman and W C Sellar
The Earl of Northumberland
The Harness-Room: John Masefield
Herbal Remedies: George Ewart Evans
Horse Magic: George Ewart Evans
The Problems of Jumping: Lt Col J Hume Dudgeon
Training to be a Horse-Show Person: John Tickner
David Broome Wins the World Championship 1970: David Broome and Genevieve Murphy:
On Dressing to Go Hunting
The First Hunt: Siegfried Sassoon
Who is that Under his Horse: Charles James Apperley (Nimrod)
The Colonel’s Cup: Siegfried Sassoon
Acquiring a Pony: Thelwell
Derby Day: Ivor N Bailey
Mr Pickwick on the Box: Charles Dickens
A Driving Accident in Russia: Nikolai Gogol
The War Horse
Pegasus: Roger Lancelyn Green
The Arab’s Farewell to His Steed: The Hon Mrs Norton
Shadowfax: J R R Tolkien
Black Bess: William Harrison Ainsworth
Finn Mac Cool Meets the Strange Horse of the Giolla Dacker: Rosemary Sutcliff
The Maltese Cat: Rudyard Kipling
Marengo: Stella Walker
Historic Horses: R J Yeatman and W C Sellar
How Sigurd is Given the Horse, Greyfell: Dorothy Hosford
The Brogue: Saki
Bucephalus – a King’s Horse: Alice Gall and Fleming Crew
Song of the Horseman: Federico Garcia Lorca
The 500 Mile Race from Deadwood to Omaha: Jack Schaefer
Caroline Rides to Town: Mary Treadgold
Hurricane!: Joseph Chipperfield
A Night Drive: Violet Martin
Lost in the Spanish Sierras: Penelope Chetwode
Jim Marston’s Feat: Rolf Bolderwood
Pony Express!: Robert J Hoare
The Lay of the Last Charger: Adam Lindsay Gordon
An Exploit of Brigadier Gerard: Sir A Conan Doyle
The Horses: Ted Hughes

Purnell’s Treasury of Horse and Pony Stories
Purnell, Maidenhead, 1978, hb, 188pp.
Written by Primrose Cumming, Dorothy Baldock and Sally Haylor
This is probably the most intriguing, and infuriating collection. None of the stories are credited to their authors (unlike the illustrations), so it is probable we will never know just which ones were by Primrose Cumming or the other authors.
The Grey Mare is the Better Horse!
The Saving of the Speed Herd
Grani – the Pony of the Norsemen
Moon Maiden – a Pony in a Million
The Horse that Wanted to Change
William and Mary
The Cross-Country Run
Tony – the Movie Star
A Night Out
Little Mohee
Good-bye, Bess
The Wild One
Two of a Kind
Brunehilde – the Hanoverian
The Winged Horse of the Sky
A Drastic Remedy

Saddle up – thoroughbred horse stories
Chosen by Christine Pullein-Thompson
Kingfisher Books, 2007
My Friend Flicka: Mary O’Hara (extract)
The Wild Heart: Helen Griffiths (extract)
Breed of Giants: Joyce Stranger (extract)
Silver Blaze: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Black Beauty: Anna Sewell (extract)
Bellerophon: L S Hyde
Horse in the House: William Corbin (extract)
Banks and Morocco: Ruth Manning-Sanders
The Ghost in the Top Meadow: Christine Pullein-Thompson
Strider the Story of a Horse: Leo Tolstoy (extract)
A Wayside Adventure: C S Lewis (from A Horse and His Boy)
Rescue: Walter Farley (from The Black Stallion)
The Rocking-Horse Winner: D H Lawrence
Behold, the Palio!: Marguerite Henry (from Gaudenzia, Pride of the Palio)
A Man Justly Popular: R D Blackmore (from Lorna Doone)
Follyfoot: Monica Dickents (extract)
“Oh Cobweb, How Could You?”: Josephine Pullein-Thompson
Red Morning: Joanna Cannan (from More Ponies for Jean)
War Horse: Michael Morpurgo (extract)
The Brogue: Saki
The second book of pony stories
Chosen by Christine Pullein-Thompson
Piccolo, London, 1977, illus Ron Stenberg
Billy the Second: Vian Smith
Tam and the Bushfire: Mary Patchett
Chop and Change: Josephine Pullein-Thompson
Darkie: Reginald Ottley
I Become a Racehorse Owner: Vic Oliver
Bounty’s Story: Christine Pullein-Thompson
The Great Desire: Pamela Whitlock
A Horse Called George: Michael Williams
Night Visitors: Selina Charlton
Isobel’s Pony: Christine Pullein-Thompson

Thundering Hooves
Chosen by Christine Pullein-Thompson
Kingfisher, London, 1996, illus Victor Ambrus
Kingfisher, NY, 1996, illus Victor Ambrus
Kingfisher, 2005, illus Victor Ambrus, cover Dawn Austin
Then printed as More Horse and Pony Stories, Kingfisher, 1998
The White Mustang: Edward McCourt
Golden the Beautiful: Elyne Mitchell (from The Silver Brumby)
The Firebird, the Horse of Power and the Princess Vasilissa: Arthur Ransome
National Velvet: Enid Bagnold (extract)
The Broken Bridge: Reginald Ottley
A Ride with Mark: K M Peyton (from Flambards)
Strawberry’s Adventure: C S Lewis (from The Magician’s Nephew)
A Gaucho in the Pampa: A F Tschiffely
The Birth of a King: Marguerite Henry (from King of the Wind)
The Sentinel: Walter Farley (from The Black Stallion Revolts)
The Horse Fair: Daphne du Maurier (from Jamaica Inn)
The Outlaw: Sinclair Ross
Phantom Horse Comes Home: CPT (extract)
Animal Farm: George Orwell (extract)
Midnight Stallion: Patricia Leitch
Snow to the Rescue: Gerald Raftery (from Snow Cloud Stallion)
A Star for a Lady: Diana Pullein-Thompson
Green Grass of Wyoming: Mary O’Hara (extract)
The Midwinter Gold Cup: Dick Frances (from Nerve)
Billy Mosby’s Night Ride: Robert D San Souci