Wharton, Virginia

About the author

Virginia Wharton wrote two books about Trudy and Flame: The Coming of Flame (1963) and Flame, Son of Silver Cloud (1964). As far as I can see, she wrote no other books. Biographical information on her seems remarkably thin on the ground, so it might well be that Virginia Wharton is a pseudonym.

Finding the books
The Coming of Flame appears to be easier to find than Flame, Son of Silver Cloud.

Links and sources
Many thanks to Lisa Catz for the photographs and summaries.

Bibliography (horse books only)

The Coming of Flame

Dell Publishing Company, Inc, New York, 1963, 119 pp 

Trudy Graves had lived all over the world, but no time in her life was as thrilling as when her father was transferred to the Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs. Here Trudy meets the adventuresome Indian girl, Neena, and has the experience of a lifetime, capturing and taming her own colt.

Flame, Son of Silver Cloud

Dell Publishing Company, Inc, New York, 1964, 118 pp

From the time Trudy first found Flame in the Colorado Hills, it was love at first sight. But her father said Trudy could keep the horse only if she could prove that he did not belong to somebody else. Trudy’s friend, Neena, was sure Flame was the wild son of the mysterious circus horse, Silver Cloud.
Together the girls come up with a plan to re-unite Flame with his long lost mother, but during this adventure, Trudy almost loses her beautiful colt when he is kidnapped by a circus trick rider.