Arundel, Jocelyn

About the author

Jocelyn Arundel wrote several children’s books, many of which are based in Africa, and reflect her interest in preserving the wildlife there. Two of her horse books were set in the Bahamas, and feature the wild horses there. These horses are, sadly, now on the brink of extinction.

Finding the books
Dugan and the Hobo is reasonably easy to find in the USA. Whitecap’s Song is easy to find. Jingo, Wild Horse of Abaco is reasonably easy to find, though considerably easier in its German translation.

Links and sources
Terri A Wear: Horse Stories, an Annotated Bibliography, Scarecrow Press, 1987
Some of Arundel’s manuscripts (Little Stripe and The Wildlife of Africa) are in the de Grummond Collection.
Many thanks to Lisa Catz for all her help with the photographs.

Bibliography (horse books only)

Jingo, Wild Horse of Abaco

Whittlesey House, New York, 1959, 137 pp, illus Wesley Dennis

Set on the Bahamas, Jenny wants to tame one of the wild horses on Abaco. She names the friendly mare she finds By Jingo, but as ever, getting a horse isn’t straightforward, as Dan Rattan also wants a wild horse, but doesn’t want to bother with taming it himself.

Dugan and the Hobo

McGraw Hill, New York, 1960, 121 pp, illus Wesley Dennis

Dugan is a racehorse, trained at a large and fancy stable. However, he is not interested in racing until he meets Jerry and the hobo Clover, who love the horse as he is.

Whitecap’s Song

McGraw Hill, New York, 1962, illus Wesley Dennis

Set in the Bahamas, this is about Lonzo, who has to try and balance all his interests. He plays the guitar, helps his father in his fishing business, and is also trying to tame his half-wild horse, Wildcap


Little Stripe, an African Zebra
Hastings House, New York, 1967

Shoes for Punch
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1964, illus Wesley Dennis