About the author
Mies Bouhys (1928–2008) was a Dutch author, scriptwriter and television director. She was a prize winning poet, but was best known for her children’s books. Co-author of The Little Red Pony (1960), Antonia Ridge (1895–1981) was a broadcaster and writer, and was also Dutch born. She was educated in the Netherlands and England, and received the Writer’s Guild Award in 1969 for a radio play. Bouhuys and Ridge collaborated on several titles: Hurrah for a Dutch Birthday and Melodia as well as The Little Red Pony.
Finding the books
Not as reasonably priced as they once were, but still fairly easy to find.
Links and sources
Thanks to Lisa Catz for the photograph and summary.
Wikipedia on Mies Bouhuys
Biographical information on Antonia Ridge
20th Century Children’s Writers, Third Edition
Bibliography (pony books only)
The Little Red Pony
George G Harrap & Co, London, 1960, 89 pp. Illus Dick De Wilde
Bobbs-Merrill, Indianapolis, 1962, 94 pp. Illus Dick De Wilde
Farmer Klauss is tricked into taking a little red pony in exchange for his two good work horses, when a group of gypsies convince him the pony has unusual magic powers. When the farmer discovers the pony is just a pony, he enlists the help of his wife, his cowherd and a policeman to recover his good horses. The little gipsy girl Rosalita misses her little red pony, and helps the farmer and the others play a magic trick of their own on the gypsies.

Galloping Fred
Faber & Faber, London, 1953, 204 pp, illus A E Kennedy
A collection of 15 short stories, which include one about a donkey, Fred. Fred starts off giving children rides on the beach, but runs away.