About the author
Sally Scott is a British author who writes and illustrates children’s books under her own name, and adult fiction under a pseudonym. The Magic Horse is a re-telling of a classic tale from The Thousand and One Nights, and is her only book to feature a horse. She has also written another re-telling of a fairy tale, The Three Wonderful Beggars, and keeping to the theme, The Elf King’s Bridge, a fantasy for older children.
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Sally Scott
Bibliography (pony books only)
the magic horse
Julia MacCrae, London, 1985, illus the author
Greenwillow Books, New York, 1985, 30 pp
Macmillan Children’s Books, 1986, London
In order to marry the beautiful princess that he loves, a Persian prince mustoutwit an evil magician and use the magic horse to his advantage.