About the author
Lorna Hill (born Durham, 21 Feb 1902, died August 17, 1991) is not a classic pony book author: she is far better known for her Wells series, about the trials, joys and aspirations of a group of characters who go to the Sadler’s Wells Ballet School. All her books, whether set in Northumberland or Skye, have a very strong sense of place. Most of her books are set at least in part in Northumberland, and anyone who loves the county will recognise her descriptions of its wildness and beauty. Besides the Wells series, Lorna Hill wrote another ballet series (the Dancing Peel series) about a dancer called Annette Dancy. I prefer this series to the Wells books: Annette isn’t the most instantly attractive character, but Lorna Hill does an excellent job of portraying the obsessive nature needed to succeed in dance. My favourite of her series is the Vicarage Children. It has the huge advantage of a character who is sympathetic and self-effacing, and the difficulties of life in a poor parish are sensitively described. Lorna Hill wrote from experience: she met her husband, a clergyman, at university in Durham, and one of their parishes was the remote Matfen, in Northumberland, where Lorna played the organ and ran the Sunday School.
Lorna Hill’s first two series, about Patience and Marjorie, are her pony books. She said: ‘My “pony” books, set in Northumberland where I lived for most of my life, were written for my daughter Vicki when she was small.’ [20th Century Children’s Writers, 3rd edn]. These stories, in notebooks illustrated by her own watercolours were seen by a publisher’s reader who came to stay with the family. He sent one to an agent, who submitted it to the publishers Art and Educational. They asked Lorna to send them the rest of the books. She replied that she could not afford the train fare, so the publishers advanced her £50 and down she went to London with the rest of the books in her suitcase.
When Art and Educational went out of business, Harold Starke, the publisher, moved to Burke Publishing and took the books with him. Burke later published the Patience series.The fourth title in the Marjorie series, Northern Lights, was published by Girls Gone By after they visited Lorna Hill’s daughter, and saw the book, then unpublished, amongst Lorna Hill’s notebooks. It was written as Vicki’s Christmas present in 1941, but was not published as it featured World War II, which the public no longer wanted to read about by the time their eventual publisher saw the books.
Although the Marjorie and Patience series are classed as Lorna Hill’s pony stories, they are not pony books in the classic sense: loving descriptions of schooling they are not. They are far more centred on the characters of the children who ride them than the ponies themselves, including the controversial Guy. Lorna Hill obviously thought Guy a splendid figure. I would be interested to know how he was regarded when the books came out, but 50 years later, Guy, with his penchant for physical punishment and stern and unbending ways seems rather strong meat.
The Patience books form a shorter series, but I think a much more endearing one. Patience is a character with considerable charm. I’ve only read two of the books but I far prefer them to the Marjorie series (Marjorie causes me more problems than Guy!)
Note: the order of the Marjorie series in the series order below is the correct reading order: Northern Lights was not published with the other books. It is, however, the third of the series despite its publication date.
Jim Mackenzie has very kindly provided the synopses for the Marjorie series, and Diane Janes for the Patience books, and I am very grateful to them both. (NOTE: these will be uploaded to the website soon.) Many thanks too to Jim Mackenzie and Susan Bourgeau for providing pictures of the books.
Finding the books
The books are all findable, though first editions with dustjackets will be expensive. The paperbacks are cheaper. If you can find them, as all are out of print, the Girls Gone By reprints are well worth seeking out. They include the original illustrations Lorna Hill did for the books when she wrote them for her daughter Vicki.
Sources and links
Clarissa Cridland: Lorna Hill, in Collecting Books and Magazines
20th Century Children’s Authors, ed Chevalier, 3rd edn 1989
Other information on Lorna Hill
Jim Mackenzie: an article on the Wells series
Jim Mackenzie: a review of Castle in Northumbria
Frederick Lewis: Dancing Across the Border: An Adult Reading of Lorna Hill
Jim Mackenzie: Journey to the Hidden Kingdoms, Powdene Publicity, 2004 → contains much information on the geographical background to Lorna Hill’s books, as well as many other authors who set their books in Northumberland.
A Sadler’s Wells books quiz
Marjorie & Co
Stolen Holiday
Northern Lights
Border Peel
Castle in Northumbria
No Medals for Guy
They Called Her Patience
It Was All Through Patience
So Guy Came Too
The Five Shilling Holiday

Marjorie & Co
Art & Educational, 1948, illus Gilbert Dunlop
Reprinted Nelson hb, 1959, illus A.H. Watson
Reprinted Nelson Juniors, pb, 1959, illus A.H. Watson
Reprinted Girls Gone By, pb, 2003 with Lorna Hill’s original illustrations

Stolen Holiday
Art & Educational, 1948, illus Gilbert Dunlop
Reprinted Nelson, 1956, illus A.H. Watson
Nelson Juniors, pb, 1960
Reprinted Girls Gone By, pb, 2004 with Lorna Hill’s original illustrations

Border Peel
Art & Educational, 1950
Nelson, 1956, hb, A.H. Watson
Nelson, 1959, hb
Reprinted Girls Gone By, pb, 2007, with Lorna Hill’s original illustrations

They Called her Patience
Burke, 1951, illus Gilbert Dunlop

It Was All Through Patience
Burke, 1952, illus Gilbert Dunlop
Reprinted, Burke, 1958 and 1961

Castle in Northumbria
Burke, 1953, illus Gilbert Dunlop
Reprinted 1959 and 1961

So Guy Came Too
Burke, 1954, illus Joanna Curzon
Reprinted, Burke Falcon Library, 1959

The Five Shilling Holiday
Burke, 1955, illus Joanna Curzon
Reprinted 1960, Burke Falcon Library

No Medals for Guy
Nelson, 1962, illus Gilbert Dunlop
Children’s Book Club edition

Northern Lights
Girls Gone By, 1999