About the author
Sir Mordaunt Milner lived in South Africa. He was an acknowledged expert on the breeding of the Thoroughbred, and had two books published by equestrian publishers J A Allen on the subject: Thoroughbred Breeding (1987) and The Godolphin Arabian (1990). He bred horses himself. He bought the Natte Valleij Farm in Paarl, South Africa in 1969 when he could no longer ride his horse in his previous home, Constantia, without being bothered by dogs or traffic. He cleared the vines from the farm, and for the next 25 years bred Thoroughbreds. With the contraction of the racing industry in the 1990s, the farm returned to wine making.
Sir Mordaunt Milner wrote three racing novels, at least one of which, The Last Furlong, is partially based on fact. He also wrote Thoroughbred Breeding (J A Allen, 1987) and The Godolphin Arabian (J A Allen, 1990)
Finding the books
None are now in print. They are relatively easy to find.
Sources and links
The Natte Valleij (website not now extant)
Bibliography (pony books only)
The Last Furlong
Howard Timmins, Cape Town, 1965, 174 pp. Cover art uncredited.
J A Allen, London, 1965

Inspired Information
Hammond, Hammond & Co, London, 1959, 222 pp.
Vaulting Ambition
Hammond, Hammond & Co, London, 1962, 188 pp.