About the author
Priscilla D Willis, who also wrote as Mary Scott Adams, wrote three horse books. The first two books are about Alfred and his horse The Saint; the third, as far as I know, is about different characters.
Finding the books
All the books are reasonably easy to find in the US though are generally ex-library. The books weren’t published in the UK.
Links and sources
Terri A. Wear: Horse Stories – An Annotated Bibliography, Scarecrow Press, 1987
Many thanks to Lisa Catz for the photographs.
Bibliography (horse books only)
Alfred and the Saint
Longmans, Green & Co, New York, 1952,179 pp, illus Carl Kidwell
Alfred, who is mute, loves horses. His special favourite is a hunter, The Saint, but the horse
suffers a heart attack, and is supposed to be put down. Alfred, his father, and daughter of the horse’s owner, plot to save the horse. When he is better, the horse makes possible an operation to restore Alfred’s voice.

The Race Between the Flags
Longmans, Green & Co, New York, 1955, illus Carl Kidwell. 177 pp.
Alfred hopes that he’ll be able to win some steeplechases on The Saint, but his plans are dashed when he finds out he can’t get a jockey licence until he is sixteen. He’s going to have to give the ride on The Saint to someone else.

Jory and the Buckskin Jumper
St Martin’s Press, New York, 1960, 229 pp, illus Laurence Bjorklund
Jory goes to a horse show where he watches the open jumping. He returns home, inspired to turn his horse Pete into an Olympic show jumper.