About the author
Tamara L Williams is a Canadian author, who’s written several titles for the Canadian publishing house James Lorimer, which specialises in books for the reluctant reader. It has a collection of sports stories, amongst which are several horsey titles. Tamara L Williams’ novels both feature eventing.
Finding the books
Shadow Ride appears to be still in print; Glory Ride might be more difficult to find.
Links and sources
Tamara L Williams on Lorimer
Bibliography (horse books only)
Shadow Ride
James Lorimer & Co, Canada, 2000, 96 pp.
Bronwen Smith excels at the dangerous sport of eventing, overcoming every obstacle as she trains for the North American Young Riders’ Championships. Outwardly a success, Bronwen is inwardly nervous and unhappy, pushing herself so hard she doesn’t have time to make friends. To make matters worse, she is convinced that her own teammates are turning against her.

Glory Ride
James Lorimer & Co, Canada, 2000
Chloe Anderson dreams of riding her horse, Dickens, to a spot on the Ontario Young Riders’ Eventing Team. As the competition approaches, however, she’s haunted by the memory of her former horse Tess, and of the terrible accident they suffered trying to clear one jump in particular – the Trakhener. Slowly Chloe learns that the greatest obstacles to success aren’t on the course at all.