About the author
Manly Wade Wellman (1903–86) was born in Angola (then Portuguese West Africa) and was educated in Kansas. His earliest stories reflected his fondness for the African stories told him in childhood. Most of his works for adults were science fiction and horror, with three of his most popular characters being Judge Keith Hilary Persuivant, John Thunstone and John the Balladeer. He also wrote the first issue of the Captain Marvel Adventures. Amongst his very wide output was a considerable body of work for children, much of it historical adventure. Amongst these books is one horse story, Brave Horse, the story of a grandson of the Godolphin Arabian.
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Links and sources
Manly Wade Wellman on Wikipedia
Terri Wear: Horse Stories: An Annotated Bibliography
Thanks to Lisa Catz for the summary and photograph.
Bibliography (horse books only)
Brave Horse, the Story of Janus
Colonial Williamsburg, dist Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Inc, New York, 1968, 118 pp, illus Peter Burchard
A “World Famous Horse Story Library” selection.
Janus is a grandson of the Godolphin Arabian, who ran and won races over 4 miles. In his last race, he injured his shoulder, and for a year could do no more than hobble. The cold, damp English weather does him no good, and so the story begins on a day in 1758, when 16-year-old Nick Forrest, and his
guardian Mordecai Booth, have come from the American colonies to look at the horse. Mordecai is interested in Janus as a breeding stallion, but Nick feels an instant attraction to the horse, and believes that the warm Virginia weather will help get Janus sound enough to race again.