Warren, Billy (William Warren)

About the author

William (Billy) Warren (b.1882)  was an American author of ranch stories. Kirkus certainly didn’t like his work – the reviews I’ve found call his illustration as mediocre as his writing, and find his stories lacking both depth and characterisation. I’ve not been able to find out anything else about the author, as yet.

Finding the books
Reasonably easy to find.

Links and sources
Terri Wear: Horse Stories: An Annotated Bibliography


Ride, Cowboy, Ride
Saddles Up! Ride ‘em High!

Bibliography (horse books only)

Ride, Cowboy, Ride

E M Hale and Company, Wisconsin, 1946, 187 pp, illus the author

Danny is very excited: he and his horse White Cloud are going to help with the spring roundup.

Saddles Up! Ride em’ High!

David Mckay, Philadelphia, 1948, 224 pp, illus the author

Danny rides out on the HV Ranch’s fall roundup, and experiences a cattle stampede.

Silver Spurs

David McKay Co, Philadelphia, 1950, 185 pp, illus the author

Kirkus review

Twelve year old Randy is determined to be a real cowboy on his uncle’s ranch, and he gets
there in the end, confounding rustlers on the way.

Ride West Into Danger

David McKay Co, Philadelphia, 1953, 218 pp, illus the author

Sandy rode west into danger when he rode off to find his parents in 1858. Miles lay before him; his first stroke of luck came when he was given Rambler, a fleet-footed horse. His troubles started when Rambler developed a mean streak and was to be banished from the outfit he came to ride with.

Headquarters Ranch

David McKay Co, Philadelphia, 1954, 210 pp, illus the author

Fourteen-year-old David Cain’s parents have been killed, and his older brother, Ross, is missing. Somewhere on the ranch are papers proving David is now the rightful owner, but the mysterious buffalo hunter, Bullet Gordon, claims that he is the owner. David fights for his rights with only two friends, Red John, an old man who worked for the Cains, and Julio, an Indian chief’s son.