About the author
Pat Eytcheson Taylor has written two books on horses, both about a quarter horse called Catch a Winner. She has also written on her Christian faith.
Finding the books
Both books are easy to find, and are now back in print again.
Links and sources
Thank you to Lisa Catz for photographs and summaries
Bibliography (horse books only)
Catch a Winner
Eakin Press, Austin, Texas, 1989, 49 pp, illus Joe Peacock
Catch a Winner Publishing, 2012
Sweet Lady has just given birth to a foal with the unusual name of Catch A Winner. School children visit the ranch in a big yellow bus and learn how horses are cared for and trained for ranch work androdeo events.
Catch a Winner Leaves the Ranch
Eakin Press, Austin, Texas, 1991, 49 pp, illus Joe Peacock
Catch a Winner Publishing, 2012
Jill falls in love with a weanling named “Catch a Winner” (Whinny) when her class at school visit the ranch. She brings her family to meet Whinny, and hopes they’ll buy Whinny at the yearling sales. Meanwhile the filly has a lot to learn on the ranch. When it is time for the sale, many other people who can see what a fine filly Whinny is, and Jill worries that the price may go too high for her father to afford.