Stewart, Anna Bird

About the author

Anna Bird Stewart was an American author of children’s books. Surprisingly for one who seems to have been published, and re-published, I can’t find any biographical information on her. If you can help, please let me know.

Finding the books
Both titles are easy to find.

Links and sources
Terri Wear: Horse Stories: An Annotated Bibliography
Thank you to Lisa Catz for the photograph and summary

Bibliography (horse books only)

Bibi the Baker‘s Horse

J B Lippincott, New York, 1942, 190 pp, illus Catherine M. Richter

Hutchinson, London, 1957, 159 pp.

Kirkus review

Bibi is sold at a fair to a baker, and becomes a favourite of the baker’s wife, Rosine, and her son. When a rich man’s daughter takes a liking to Bibi, the baker sells him. However, Bibi’s back again when he’s replaced by a car, but off he goes again. And back he comes again: he’s lame this time. The baker is surprised to find nothing wrong with the little brown horse, who had been faking the lameness to get out of work. Rosine, of course, is delighted, and the baker promises never to split the two of them up again.

Two Young Corsicans: A Boy and His Colt

J B Lippincott, New York, 1944, illus Catherine Lippincott

Kirkus review

Baptiste lives in the island of Corsica and wants a football, a horse and to be a shepherd. He gets what he wants, but can he hold onto it?