Shurtleff, Bertrand

About the author

Bertrand Shurtleff (b.1897) was best known as a writer of dog stories, including a series about a Doberman Pinscher called Awol, who was with the U.S. K-9 Corps during World War II. He wrote one horse story, Colt of the Alcan Road (1951).

Finding the book
Secondhand copies are easy to find, and the book is available as print-on-demand.

Links and sources
Terri Wear: Horse Stories: An Annotated Bibliography
Thank you to Lisa Catz for the summary and photograph

Bibliography (horse books only)

Colt of the Alcan Road

Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc, New York, 1951, 266 pp.

Known in Oklahoma for raising some of the finest riding horses around, Jeff and his father take a mare and colt to Alaska by way of the Alcan Road, hoping to homestead and start a dude ranch, but they are unaware of how severely the area will test their horses. Along the way, Queenie and her colt, Blizzard are stolen, and when they escape in the northern wilderness, the colt leaves a life that was full of promise and enters a new one where the struggle for survival turns him from a gentle colt to a wild battler. A determined Jeff never gives up looking for Blizzard, and a young
Mountie, Constable Throckmorton, also joins in the search.