About the author
Alice Schertle is a prolific children’s author, who’s written a series about a girl and her friends: Cathy and Company. One of the books, Cathy and Company and Hank the Horse, involves horses. Schertle was born in California and educated at the University of Southern California, She worked as a teacher, and has written over 40 children’s stories.
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Links and sources
Alice Schertle on the Children’s Literature Network (link no longer working)
An interview with Alice Schertle (link no longer working)
Terri Wear: Horse Stories: An Annotated Bibliography
Bibliography (horse books only)
Cathy and Company & Hank the Horse
Children’s Press, Chicago, 1980, 48 pp, illus Cathy Pavia.
Cathy and her friends find something odd in their yard: an old grey horse. They find his owner, who tells them they can keep the horse for the summer. However, they soon find out that they can’t really give Hank what he needs.