About the author
Les Savage Jr (1922–87) wrote westerns, some of which are still in print today. He started selling his writing at the age of 17, and contributed many stories to the pulps. He wrote around 20 books, all, as far as I can see, Western or ranch novels. Two of them count as horse stories. One, The Wild Horse (1950), was made into a film Black Horse Canyon.
Finding the books
Easy to find, particularly The Wild Horse.
Links and sources
Les Savage at IMDB
Horse Stories: An Annotated Bibliography – Terri Wear
Bibliography (horse books only)
The Wild Horse
Fawcett Publications, New York, 1950, 153 pp.
Gold Medal, 111, USA, 1950
As Black Horse Canyon
Gold Medal Books No. 411, Greenwich, CT, 1954
United by their love for horses and their desire to capture a black stallion, a rancher and his young partner find themselves vying for the love of a woman whom they are helping in the roundup of the stallion.”

Phantom Stallion
Dodd, Mead, New York, 1955, 178 pp.
Eddie and his father want to catch the wild Appaloosa; their neighbour wants to kill it. And Eddie’s teacher would rather he went to school.