Reynolds, Helen Dickson

About the author

Helen Dickson Reynolds (1884–1969) was born Helen Dickson in Regina, on the Canadian frontier. She first went to school at the age of 13, and intended to become a painter. Although she studied at a private art college, her studies ceased when she married Godwin Dixon. Sadly he died early, leaving her with two small girls to bring up. She returned to her parents’ house, and helped on the farm; married again, only to be left a widow again, this time with a teenage son. She began writing stories to survive, and published boys’ stories under the name Dickson Reynolds, using Helen Dickson for her girls’ stories.

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Links and sources
Helen Dickson Reynolds, Simon Fraser University Library

Bibliography (horse books only)

The Family at Sunshine Ranch

Thomas Nelson & Sons, London, 1939, 204 pp, illus John Benison

Doris of Sunshine Ranch

Thomas Nelson & Sons, London, 1948, 184 pp, illus Drake Brookshaw
Thomas Nelson & Sons, London, 1955, 184 pp, illus Drake Brookshaw

Sadly I sold this before noting down the contents…. If anyone can fill the gap
please let me know!