Radlauer, Edward and Ruth

About the author

Edward and Ruth (1926–2004) Radlauer together wrote over 200 books. They wrote at least one title, Horse Show Challenge, which fits into the category of horse book, but have also written a number of other horse books which might or might not be fiction. I’ve not been able to track down any information on the contents. If anyone has read any of the following, and can confirm one way or the other, please let me know. The titles are Horsing Around, Of Course You’re a Horse and Horse Mania.

Links and sources
Remembering Ruth Radlauer
Terri Wear: Horse Stories: An Annotated Bibliography

Bibliography (horse books only)

Horse Show Challenge

Children’s Press, Danbury, CT, 1973, illus with photos by the authors

A would-be riding instructor who coerces her little brother into being her pupil feels responsible when he breaks his foot.