About the author
M J Pearson also wrote under the name Jeanne Pearson. She Illustrated books with her husband Charles Pearson, and together they produced the picture book A Pony in the Yard. Her book Pony of the Sioux is aimed at an older audience.
Finding the books
Pony of the Sioux is easy to find; A Pony in the Yard is not.
Links and sources
Terri Wear: Horse Stories: An Annotated Bibliography
Pony of the Sioux
Doubleday, New York, 1961, 143 pp, illus Carl Pfeufer
This is the story of Lee Harding. His brown and white Sioux pony teaches him much about the Indian way of riding, which is very helpful when the Indians go on the warpath in Minnesota.
As Jeanne Pearson: A Pony in the Yard
T S Denison, Minneapolis, 1971, 32 pp, illustrated by Jeanne and Charles Pearson
Aunt Vis gives three children a pony, and they learn what they can, and can’t do with it.