Patchin, Frank Gee

About the author

Frank Gee Patchin (Frank Guild Patchin, 1861–1925) was a writer of boys’ adventure stories, producing series like Ted Turner, and The Battleship Boys. He also produced an early horse series: The Pony Rider Boys, which included 12 titles. Altemus, the series’ first printer, describe it thus:

These tales may be aptly described as those of a new Cooper. As the early novelist depicted the first days of the advancing frontier, so does Mr. Patchin deal charmingly and realistically with what is left of the strenuous outdoor West of the twentieth century…..

“This unusual and popular series tells vividly the story of four adventure-loving lads, who, with their guardian, spent their summer vacations in the saddle in search of recreation and healthful adventure. Long journeys over mountain, through the fastness of primitive forest and across burning desert, lead them into the wild places of their native land as well as into many strange and exciting experiences. There is not a dull moment in the series.

The series was reprinted several times. The keen eyed would say, on looking at the bibliography below, that some of the dustjackets are remarkably similar, and the keen eyed would be right. I’ve found at least three editions with the same dustjacket doing duty for all the titles. The Pony Rider Boys was a much reprinted series, and I suspect there are many more editions out there than I’ve been able to trace.

Finding the books
Easy to find. Some are now available as print-on-demand; some are available to read for free electronically.

Links and sources
The Pony Rider Boys, UKMC


Pony Rider Boys

The Pony Rider Boys in the Rockies
The Pony Rider Boys in Texas
The Pony Rider Boys in Montana
The Pony Rider Boys in  the Ozarks
The Pony Rider Boys in the Alkali
The Pony Rider Boys in New Mexico
The Pony Rider Boys in the Grand Canyon
The Pony Rider Boys with the Texas Rangers
The Pony Rider Boys on the Blue Ridge
The Pony Rider Boys In New England
The Pony Rider Boys in Louisiana
The Pony Rider Boys in Alaska

Bibliography (horse books only)

The Pony Rider Boys in the Rockies, or the Secret of the Lost Claim

Henry Altemus Company, Philadelphia, 1909
Saalfield Publishing Co, Akron, Oh

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The boys, and the Professor who looks after them, set off to travel west from Missouri. They eventually find a lost claim mine.

The Pony Rider Boys in Texas, or the Veiled Riddle of the Plains

Henry Altemus Company, Philadelphia, 1910
Saalfield Publishing Co, Akron, Oh

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The boys head off to Texas where they work as cattle drovers and experience stampedes,
storms and ghosts. And girls.

The Pony Rider Boys in Montana, or the Mystery of the Old Custer Trail

Henry Altemus Company, Philadelphia, 1910
aalfield Publishing Co, Akron, Oh

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Set in Montana, the Pony Rider Boys get a new tent, meet a bear and herd sheep. And are captured by Blackfoot Indians.

Pony Rider Boys in the Ozarks or The Secret of Ruby Mountain

Henry Altemus Company, Philadelphia, 1910
Saalfield Publishing Co, Akron, Oh

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The boys are camping out in the Ozarks. Chunky’s tricks result in the death of a mule and the loss of the group’s provisions until Tab rescues them. Then the ponies disappear, one by one. Once they’re found there’s more drama as the boys travel into a mine and get trapped.

The Pony Rider Boys in the Alkali; or, Finding a Key to the Desert Maze

Henry Altemus Company, Philadelphia, 1910, 252 pp.
Saalfield Publishing Co, Akron, Oh

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Set in the Nevada desert, the boys rush straight into adventure when a cyclone on the first night takes their clothes and the tents. They meet cowboys (once clothed again), and help corral some wild horses. On they travel, only to run out of water.

The Pony Rider Boys in New Mexico

Henry Altemus Company, Philadelphia, 1910
Saalfield Publishing Co, Akron, Oh

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The boys camp out in New Mexico.

The Pony Rider Boys in the Grand Canyon: Or, the Mystery of Bright Angel Gulch

Henry Altemus Company, Philadelphia, 1912
Saalfield Publishing Co, Akron, Oh

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The boys set off for adventure in the Grand Canyon.

The Pony Rider Boys with the Texas Rangers; or On the Trail of the Border Bandits

Henry Altemus Company, Philadelphia, 1910
In Pony Rider Stories
Saalfield Publishing Co, Akron, Oh, 1920.

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An adventure with the Texas Rangers.

The Pony Rider Boys on the Blue Ridge: Lucky Find in the Carolina Mountains

Henry Altemus Company, Philadelphia, 1924
Saalfield Publishing Co, Akron, Oh

The Pony Rider Boys in New England, or, An Exciting Quest in the Maine Wilderness

Henry Altemus Company, Philadelphia, 1924, 255 pp.

In Pony Rider Stories
Saalfield Publishing Co, Akron, Oh, 1920.

The Pony Rider Boys in Louisiana, or Following the Game Trails in the Canebrake

Henry Altemus Company, Philadelphia, 1924

In Pony Rider Stories
Saalfield Publishing Co, Akron, Oh, 1920.

The Pony Rider Boys in Alaska, or, The Gold Diggers of Taku Pass

Henry Altemus Company, Philadelphia, 1924, 252 pp.
Saalfield Publishing, 1945

In Pony Rider Stories
Saalfield Publishing Co, Akron, Oh, 1920.

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On their way to Alaska on a steamer, Tad spots some strange men. They tell him about a Dr Dawson who was captured by the Indians, and who heals their chief, who rewards him with gold. The grandson of the doctor is on the steamer too, and saves Tad from being thrown overboard. The boys travel on into Alaska where they find platinum, not gold.