About the author
Jack O’Brien (John Sherman O’Brien) was a Canadian author. He wrote one book which counts as a horse story, and is better known for his dog stories, particularly his Silver Chief series. Royal Red was not actually completed by Jack O’Brien. When he died the story was partially complete, with manuscript notes on the rest. It was completed by associates of his, and published after his death. The book does feature a dog: Silver Chief the Third, grandson of the husky Silver Chief.
Finding the book
Royal Red was not published in the UK, but is easy to find, and generally cheap in the USA, as long as you do not mind ex-library copies.
Links and sources
Many thanks to Susan Bourgeau for all her help with this section.
Bibliography (horse books only)
Royal Red: Colt of the Royal Mounted
John C Winston Company, Philadelphia, 1951, illus Kurt Wiese
The blurb:
“Indian discontent in the north country sent Peter Thorne on a trek that uncovered claimjumping, gross discrimination and brutal murder. Only Tiwa realized that his people’s land was being plundered of its timber by unscrupulous Dan MacKinnon. When Thorne bought Royal Red- the horse Tiwa had devoted his young life to – the Mountie antagonized the one person who could help put together the mysterious facts he found at Victoriaville.”