Miles, Miska

About the author

Miska Miles was a pseudonym used by the author Patricia Miles Martin. Annie and the Old One, written under the name Miska Miles, was a Newbery Honor book in 1972.

Finding the books
All are reasonably easy to find in the USA. None were published in the UK.

Links and sources
Terri A. Wear: Horse Stories, an Annotated Bibliography, Scarecrow Press, 1987
National Library of Congress
Patricia Miles Martin’s papers in the de Grummond collection

Bibliography (horse books only)


Little Brown, Boston, 1961, 54 pp, illus Wesley Dennis
SRA, pb, 1963

Our hero wants to ride in the local Pony Express race. He has something to ride: his mule, Kickapoo, but he doesn’t want to ride Kickapoo. He wants a pony. The one problem is that Kickapoo refuses to be sold.


Little Brown, Boston, 1963, 38 pp, illus Wesley Dennis

“See a white horse and make a wish,” they say, but what Henry wishes for is the dog that trots into the farmyard with the white horse.


Little, 1964, illus Erik Blegvad

Amy has plans. Her favourite pony is Mrs Pettiboy’s Old Star, but she can’t have her, so she plots to catch a wild donkey. When Mrs Pettiboy offers her Star, she finds the donkey in the field instead of Star.

horse and the bad morning (with Ted Clymer)

Dutton, New York, 1982, 32 pp, illus Leslie Morrill

It’s a bad morning, says Horse. It doesn’t stop there. Horse’s statement starts something that involves Mouse, Squirrel, Pig, Old Dog, and Hen, all trying to cheer Horse up. Everyone can see something good in the morning apart from Horse, but his friend Mouse comes up with a plan that might just work.