Malcolm, Jahnna N

About the author

Jahnna N Malcolm is the pen name used by Jahnna Beecham and Malcolm Hillgartner, who are husband and wife. They are prolific creators. They’ve produced over 100 books, as well as musicals, films and games. At least three of their books involve horses: Emerald at least tangentially as it’s about a unicorn, but the pair have also contributed two titles to the Treasured Horses series.

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Links and sources
Jahnna N Malcolm on Scholastic (link no longer working)

Bibliography (horse books only)

The Stallion of Box Canyon

Ertl Co, Iowa, 1997, 122 pp, illus Sandy Rabinowitz
Reprinted in Treasured Horses Collection, 2003, 2004

The story of a wild Mustang and the girl who wins his trust.

Spirit of the West

Gareth Stevens Pub, Milwaukee, 1999, 122 pp, illus Sandy Raninowitz (cover Christa Keiffer)

Out on the dusty frontier, Jessie and her Appaloosa mare, Morning Star, are searching all the trails for the mare’s lost foal, Star Fire. If only Jessie had made certain the gate was shut…

The Emerald Princess follows a Unicorn

Scholastic, New York, 1999, 70 pp, illus Paul Casale