About the author
Maud McKnight Lindsay (1874–1941) was born in Tuscumbia, the daughter of the only foreign-born governor of Alabama (her father was born in Scotland.) She was a friend of Helen Keller. She founded Alabama’s first free kindergarten in 1898: it still survives, and is known as the Maud Lindsay Free Kindergarten. She taught there herself for 42 years, and wrote numerous children’s stories and plays, used in the kindergarten before publication. Her Mother Stories (1900) introduced each story with a moral for the mother reading the story. She wrote two full length stories: Little Missy (1922) and Silverfoot (1924). That is the only horse book she wrote, though I believe her collections of short stories contain some with equine content.
Finding the book
Not impossible to find, but can be expensive.
Links and sources
Encyclopaedia of Alabama, retrieved 17 June 2023
Many thanks to Lisa Catz for the photograph .
Bibliography (horse books only)
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, Boston, 1924, 223 pp, illus Florence Liley Young
Three cousins are staying at their grandmother’s plantation in the south, during the Civil War. Their fathers have all gone off to fight, and now their youngest uncle, Charlie, is leaving too.
Charlie leaves beautiful colt Silverfoot in their charge, telling them to protect him from the
Yankees. When the Yankees arrive, there is no time, and Silverfoot is hidden in a summer
house in the garden. Even there he is safe for a time, but eventually falls into the hands of the enemy. Katherine, the bravest of the three girls, goes to their camp, determined to get
Silverfoot back.