About the author
Jane Kendall is an author of historical novels, and has contributed to the series Horse Diaries, which looks at different historical periods through the eyes of a horse. Her two contributions to the series (so far) both look at war: Maestoso Petra looks at what happened to the Lipizzaner horses during World War II, and Tennessee Rose takes the American Civil War as its subject. Jane understands the horse mad child: she was an enthusiast herself, once going Christmas caroling on horseback.
Finding the books
In print, and available as ebooks.
Links and sources
The Horse Diaries series
Jane Kendall, Greenwich Citizen, August 8, 2012 (no longer available)
Bibliography (horse books only)
Maestoso Petra
Random House, New York, 2010, 139 pp, illus Rosemary Sanderson
During World War II, the Lipizzaner breed was threatened. Maestoso Petra, a Lipizzaner
stallion, performs at the Spanish Riding School in Vienna, but during the war and the
occupation of Austria, he is hidden away.

Tennessee Rose
Random House, New York, 2012, 139 pp, illus Astrid Shekels
An interesting look at both sides of the American Civil War. Although this Tennessee Walking Horse was raised on a Southern plantation and is owned by a Confederate officer, she helps a slave during the Civil War.