About the author
Dorothy Virginia Steinhauer Jackson wrote three books, of which two are horse stories. The third, Walk With Peril, is historical fiction. The horse Bluebird, in her book Bold Venture, was based on a real horse: “the most beautiful horse I ever saw.” This horse alas was shot when he was six “as an incorrigible rogue, the victim of circumstances and an owner who was afraid of horses. In a way Bold Venture is a memorial to this horse…” Incidentally, in the book the horse is rehabilitated and not shot. His owner, Johanna, is not afraid of him (nor of much else) and despite some hairy moments, does manage to reach an understanding with him.
Dorothy V S Jackson was born at Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, New York, and originally planned to be a doctor. She changed her mind, and studied creative writing at Columbia University and soon had her writing published. Her short stories were published in many magazines. Writing seems to have become a part-time occupation; on the dustjacket of Rising Star, she is described as working full time in New York, where she commuted from her home in Long Island.
Finding the books
Rising Star was not published in the UK, but Bold Venture was, under the title Bluebird. Bluebird is findable in the UK, though it’s not exactly common. Rising Star is findable in the USA; whilst not cheap, it’s achievable. Bold Venture seems to be impossible to find anywhere.
Links and sources
Dustjackets of Bold Venture and Rising Star
Many thanks to Susan Bourgeau for the pictures and information.
Bibliography (horse books only)
Bold Venture
J P Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1952
Reprinted as Bluebird
Hutchinson, London, 1954
Johanna has been left two horses by her uncle, and plans to sell them, that is, until she sees Bluebird. She then works at the stables giving riding lessons so that she can afford to keep both horses.
Rising Star
J P Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1955