About the author
The Horse Road is the first in a series of historical novels; each taking place in a different time and place. The Horse Road is set in 1st century BC Asia, and is about the Akhal-Teke, not a horse that makes frequent appearances in equine fiction.Red River Stallion features the Norfolk Trotter, and the part it played in the Canadian fur trade during the 1830s. Troon Harrison has written a solid historical in The Horse Road: the horses in particular are very well done.
Troon Harrison was born in the Rocky Mountains, BC, Canada but was brought up in Cornwall. She returned to Canada, and was educated at Trent and Queen’s universities. She works as a writer, editor and teacher, and has two horses of her own.
Finding the books
Still in print.
Links and sources
Troon Harrison’s website
Bibliography (pony books only)
the horse road
Bloomsbury, New York and London, 2012
Heroine Kallisto is racing her mother’s Akhal-Teke Stallion, Gryphon, when she sees, far off, the approaching Chinese Army. Kallisto, her mother and her friend Batu rush back to the city so that hey can move their horses to safety, but a leopard attack leaves Kallisto’s mother, and the stallion Gryphon, badly wounded. They do not make it back in time to escape, and are beseiged within the city. Swan, Kallisto’s beloved pure white mare. She will be sacrified, in an attempt to persuade the gods to favour the defenders of the city. Kallisto strikes a bargain with Arash: if she can find a golden horse harness, similar to the one Arash’s father lost, within five days, Star will not be sacrificed.

Red River Stallion
Bloomsbury, New York and London, 2013
My review of Red River Stallion
Amelia Otterchild Mackenzie has never seen a horse: not ever, but when she’s sunk and drowning she’s rescued by a stallion, Firefox. Once she’s met a horse there’s no holding her: she has a skill with them, as did her father, who is missing. Amelia and her sister journey into the rough far west of Canada to find their father.