About the author
Nancy Wright Grossman, an amateur historian who wrote The Place Names of Portsmouth, a guide to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, has written a four-book series about Dutch Mill Stables. All of the books I think are aimed at the younger reader, being relatively short reads. The series is described thus in the blurb: “Kids who love horses: rich kids, poor kids, good kids, spoiled kids, girls, boys – you’ll meet them all at the Dutch Mill Stable. Where young people have wonderful, heartwarming adventures and learn important lessons about riding, horse care, friendship, values – and, above all, about life.”
Finding the books
All the books in the series are easy to find. None were published in the UK.
Links and sources
I wish I could find some. She is an author about whom little seems to have been published! If you know of anything, or can provide any information, please contact me.
Dutch Mill Stable Series
A Leg Up for Lucinda
The Only Boy in the Ring
The Judge is Seeing Double
If Wishes Were Horses
Bibliography (horse books only)
If Wishes Were Horses
Tom Doherty Associates, New York, 1988, 55 pp
The Only Boy in the Ring
Tom Doherty Associates, New York, 1989

The Judge is Seeing Double
Tom Doherty Associates, New York, 1989
A Leg Up for Lucinda
Tom Doherty Associates, New York, 1989, 57 pp
The Dutch Mill Stable starts a branch of Pegasus, a riding programme for disabled children. Lucinda has always longed to ride, and with the help of the other children at the stables, and the horses Georgetown and Easy-Does-It, she might just be able to get some confidence.