About the author
Laura H Fisher, who also wrote under the name Laura Fisher, produced a few children’s books, amongst which is this one horse story, Amy and the Sorrel Summer. Alas I’ve not been able to find out anything else about the author. If you know more, do please get in touch.
Finding the book
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Links and sources
Terri Wear: Horse Stories – An Annotated Bibliography
Sheila Greenwald, who illustrated the book, on Wikipedia
Bibliography (horse books only)
Amy and the Sorrel Summer
Rinehart & Winston, New York, 1964, 190 pp, illus Sheila Greenwald
Amy and Berne want a horse. Mr Peneck offers to sell them a sorrel colt, who looks like the sorrel horse their grandfather used to own. They do everything they can think of to raise money; make jewellery, cut the grass, baby sit and hunt rabbits.