About the author
Nancy Faulkner wrote several works of historical fiction for children, of which Side-Saddle Dandy is the most horse orientated. It was illustrated by Marguerite de Angeli, herself a Newbery Award winner for her book The Door in the Wall.
Finding the book
Although there are plenty of copies around, very good copies are expensive. Ex library ones are rather more reasonable, but still on the expensive side for a horse book. It wasn’t published in the UK.
Links and sources
Marguerite de Angeli on Wikipedia
Many thanks to Susan Bourgeau for her help with this section.
Bibliography (horse books only)
Side-Saddle for Dandy
Doubleday, New York, 1954, 214 pp, illus Marguerite de Angeli
Aunt Cordelia says Dandy has no more manners than a mongrel puppy. Dandy must now stop being another of the Clark boys, and learn to take her place as mistress of the plantation household. The future, as planned by Papa and Aunt Cordelia looks grim. Dandy has to ride sidesaddle, learn the minuet and the spinet, and how to use herbs and poultices. Dandy nearly decides to join the
militia with her brother Chris, but events conspire to change her mind.