Faralla, Dana

About the author

Dana Faralla wrote several children’s books, but as far as I know, only these two horse books. Black Renegade is the sequel to Magnificent Barb.
The following biographical snipped comes from the dustjacket of Black Renegade.
“Dana Faralla was born in Minnesota of Danish, French and German ancestry and was graduated from the drama school of the Ithaca, New York, Conservatory of Music. She has been a professional actress under two different stage names, a writer of publicity for an art gallery, factotum in a rare book shop, associate editor of a poetry magazine, a screen story analyst and a scenario writer. She has travelled extensively in Europe and the Caribbean, and lived for long periods in Bermuda, France, Switzerland, Denmark and Italy. Writing, she feels, is a full-time craft, but she has found time between books and travel to design and make her own clothes and to indulge her hobby of international cookery. “
Finding the books
Some of her children’s books were published in the UK, as were the two horse titles, but they are not easy to find. Both titles are easy to find in the US, though copies are usually ex-library.
Links and sources
Many thanks to Susan Bourgeau for the pictures and information.

Bibliography (horse books only)

The Magnificent Barb

Julian Messner, NY, 1947, illus  Paul Laune
Grosset & Dunlap, 1947, Famous Horse Series
Macdonald, London, 1948, illus Paul Laune

Everyone in Mare’s Nest, a Georgian plantation, lives and breathes horses, including Kevin.  Kevin dreams of the
Goldolphin Barb, and then some Irish horse traders turn up with a magnificent Barb stallion. Kevin is determined to own the Barb himself.

Black Renegade

J P Lippincott, Philadelphia 1954, cover art Paul Laune

As Black Lightning
Macdonald, London, 1954, 222 pp.

Kevin is waiting for the Barb’s son, Balzan, to grow up, and is filling in time by exercising John Rand’s racehorses. There he meets the rogue stallion Black Lightning.