About the author
Vivian Dubrovin has been writing for children for around 40 years. She has a degree in journalism, and has worked as an editor and writer. She has written many short stories, and several non-fiction titles for children, and is particularly interested in literacy in the young. In 1993 she formed Storycraft Publishing to produce storytelling materials for young readers. She has written a short series of horse books, all quick readers, which promote good sportsmanship and high moral values.
Finding the books
Availability, and pricing of all the four titles is erratic. None were published in the UK.
Links and sources
Vivian Dubrovin on Storycraft
The Storycraft blog
Thank you to Lisa Catz for the photographs.
Saddle Up!
A Better Bit and Bridle
A Chance to Win
Open the Gate
Trailering Troubles
Bibliography (horse books only)
A Better Bit and Bridle
EMC Corporation, 1975, 39 pp, illus Nancy Inderieden
Robyn wants to enter horse shows with her horse, Darlin, but the rules state “no hackamores”. Robyn’s mother won’t let her use a bit until she can control her temper. It takes some time, and a lot of persuasion, before Robyn realises that people are trying to help her become better, not just trying to find faults, and that rules have their reasons.

A Chance to Win
EMC Corporation, 1975, 39 pp, illus Nancy Inderieden
Vickie rides Western, but when her family move to a new town, the only available Riding Club is an English one. She had been looking forward to winning more Western trophies, and so starts her own riding club. Vickie isn’t terribly impressed when the trophy on offer is a chocolate bar, but does learn that it’s taking part that matters.

Open the Gate
EMC Corporation, 1975, 39 pp, illus Nancy Inderieden
Val watches and learns from other people, as she doesn’t like to read, despite having a decent horsemanship book. However, she is missing out as she always has to watch others rather than read what to do, and when she has to go in first at a show, gets it wrong as she’s had no one to watch to learn what to do. When a friend points out she’s endangering her horse by not learning as much as she can, she gets stuck in to the book.

Trailering Troubles!
EMC Corporation, 1975, 39 pp, illus Nancy Inderieden
Pam likes the quick and easy way to do things. If she loses something, she buys a replacement. Her horse gets a lick and a promise groom, not a decent one. When Pam has to try and train her horse Rocket to go in a trailer, it does dawn upon her that sometimes only hard work will do.