Dickerson, Karle

About the author

Karle Dickerson has written one book under his own name, The Forgotten Filly, though this is loosely connected to the Joanna Campbell Thoroughbreds series, to which he contributed seven titles. The Thoroughbreds series is nominally by Joanna Campbell, but has been written by a number of authors.

Finding the books
All are easy to find in the USA:  The Forgotten Filly  is easy to find in the UK, and the Thoroughbred titles can be a little trickier to track down than in their native USA, but are not impossible..

Sources and links
Terri A. Wear:  Horse Stories, an Annotated Bibilography, Scarecrow Press, 1987


Titles in the Thoroughbreds series
41 Close Call
49 Rising Star
55 Great Expectations
56 Hoofprints in the Snow
61 Parker’s Passion
62 Unbridled Fury
68 Kaitlin’s Wild Ride

Bibliography (horse books only)

The Forgotten Filly

HarperCollins, New York, 1993
Hodder (Knight), London, 1994

The blurb:

“Joelle is thrilled that her favourite horse, Dancer is expecting a foal. But tragedy strikes when Dancer dies giving birth. Joelle’s world falls apart. She blames the little foal for his mother’s death. She’s convinced she can never love another horse. Finally her parents decide they had better sell the foal. Then something happens to change her mind forever…”