Dawson, Joann S

About the author

Joann S Dawson is an American author. She’s also worked as an actress, and it’s perhaps not a coincidence that the world of film has found its way into her Lucky Foot Stables series. As well as being a horse wrangler on Oprah, Dawson has also appeared in The Sixth Sense and 12 Monkeys. With her husband, she now runs a stable, Fairwind.

Her horse series now numbers five titles, the last of which is only available as an ebook.

Finding the books
All are reasonably easy to find, and are also available as ebooks.

Links and source
Joann S Dawson’s website
Fairwind Stables


Lucky Foot Stables
Lady’s Big Surprise
Star of Wonder
A Star is Discovered
(Willie to the Rescue)
Mary and Jody in the Movies
At the Premiere

Bibliography (horse books only)

Lady’s Big Surprise

FT Richards Pub, North East, MD, 2004, 270 pp
Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, Illinois, 2007, 213 pp.

The blurb:

Best friends Mary and Jody enter their first horse show with their ponies, Lady and Gypsy, travel to their Secret Place, attend a cow funeral, and discover Lady’s big surprise.

Star of Wonder

FT Richards Pub., North East, MD, 2005

Willie to the Rescue

FT Richards Pub, North East, MD, 2005
Republished as A Star is Discovered
Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, Illinois, 2008, 195 pp.

When a mysterious man arrives claiming he can take Star away, Mary and Jody rely more than ever on Willie, an elderly farm hand whose past might provide exactly the help the girls and the McMurrays need.

Mary and Judy in the Movies

Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, Illinois, 2008, 231 pp.

The blurb:

Everyone is excited when the McMurray dairy farm is chosen to be the setting of a movie,
especially best friends Mary and Jody who see it as an opportunity to show off their ponies Lady and Star.

At the Première

Available only as an ebook

The blurb:

Mary, Jody and Willie embark on their greatest adventure yet when they transport Lady and Gypsy to New York City for the premiere of “The Cream of the Crop.” New friendships are formed and disasters are averted as the girls are introduced to life in the big city. But nothing could prepare them for the wonderful surprise that comes at the end of their journey.