Collier, JoAnne Chitwood

About the author

JoAnne Chitwood Collier, (b.1955) got her first horse when she was 12, for her birthday, and has had horses on and off ever since. When she wrote A Horse Called Mayonnaise, she had a black Morgan mare called Easter, and a Quarter horse mare named Wahkena. She has written a series of Christian pony books.

Finding the books
All are reasonably easy to find in the USA. None were published in the UK.

Links and sources
A Horse Called Mayonnaise

Bibliography (horse books only)

A Horse Called Mayonnaise

Review & Herald Publishing Association, Hagerstown, MD, 1995, 128 pp

Tory is desperate to go on the horseback trip at camp:  however, only two girls will be chosen, and now the beautiful Jan Cole has signed up to go. How can Tory compete?

A Horse Called Blackberry

Review & Herald Publishing Association, Hagerstown, MD, 1996, 127 pp

A Horse Called Poppyseed

Review & Herald Publishing Association, Hagerstown, MD, 1998, 128 pp

A Horse Called Tamarindo

Review & Herald Publishing Association, Hagerstown, MD, 2000, 144 pp

A Horse Called Saskatoon

Review & Herald Publishing Association, Hagerstown, MD, 2001, 127 pp