Cobb, Irvin S

About the author

Irvin S Cobb (1876–1944) was born in Kentucky. He had intended to study law, but had to leave William A Cade’s Academy when his father died. He then turned to writing, and achieved fame as a journalist and screen writer. He acted in 10 films. He wrote at least two children’s books, of which Azam, the story of the daily life of an Arabian colt, is one.

Finding the book
Very difficult to find with its dustjacket. Pricing can be erratic.

Links and sources
Irvin S Cobb on Wikipedia
Thank you to Lisa Catz for the photograph and summary.

Bibliography (horse books only)

Azam: the Story of an Arabian Colt and his Friends

Rand, McNally & Company, Chicago, 1937, 78 pp, photographs by M U Blumenthal

The story records the daily life and training of an Arabian colt named Azam, and some of
his friends. Photographs were taken at the W K Kellogg Institute of Animal Husbandry at
Pomona, California. The story follows Azam while he is with his mother, through weaning,
halter breaking, and to his first birthday. Photographs of other Arabian horses are used to demonstrate training disciplines including hunter/jumper, harness horse, stock horse, and liberty horse.