About the author
Caroline Mabry Christie (b.1887) was born in Albia, Iowa, and was educated at Lake Forest College and the State University of Iowa. She studied journalism at Columbia University, and wrote several children’s books, as well as writing short stories. The Glacier National Park, in which her horse story Silver Heels is set, she thought “the most beautiful and most interesting of all our national parks.” Whilst staying there, she met the Blackfeet Indians, and befriended an Indian family. It was their stories, and the tribal legends they told her, on which she based Silver Heels.
Finding the books
Silver Heels tends to be pricey, though it is not impossible to find. It was not published in the UK.
Links and sources
Caroline Christie’s papers are at the University of Iowa
Author information, Silver Heels.
Thank you to Lisa Catz for the photograph and summary.
Bibliography (horse books only)
Silver Heels
John C Winston Company, Philadelphia, 1958, 158 pp, illus George Wilde
Swift Eagle wants to buy the little pony Silver Heels, but the pony’s owner is not about to sell the pony cheaply, added to which Silver Eagle and his family are about to move to the
encampment at Glacier National Park for the Summer. The pony will probably be sold before they return. Swift Eagle manages to rent Silver Heels for the summer while he works to earn the money to buy her.