About the author
Barbara J Berry wrote three horse books, as well as books on breeds: Standardbreds (1979), Thoroughbreds (1974), and a guide to owning your own horse. Her three horse books reflect these interests with two featuring Thoroughbreds.
Finding the books
All the books are easy to find in the USA. None were printed in the UK.
Links and sources
Terri A Wear: Horse Stories, an Annotated Bibliography, Scarecrow Press, 1987
Many thanks to Lisa Catz for the photographs.
Bibliography (horse books only)
Follett Pub Co, Chicago, 1968, 191 pp, illus Victor Ambrus
Shannon, was the pride of the O’Brien Thoroughbred farm. However, on the way to Oregon to start a new farm, Shannon is stolen in the middle of the night. He soon learns how cruel men can be. He escapes, and now has to deal with the forces of nature. He travels over plains, deserts, and
mountains, driven by an urge to proceed towards the northwest.
A Look of Eagles
Bobbs-Merrill, Indianapolis,1973, 112 pp, illus W T Mars
Sam loses his grandfather, and The Cat, the racehorse they had been training together. Sam promises himself he will find the horse again, despite his uncle’s opposition.

His Majesty’s Mark
Bobbs-Merrill, Indianapolis, 1976, 130 pp, illus John E Hopper
Dan’s father is injured in the show ring by a Saddlebred stallion. Dan takes over his father’s training duties, but the next horse he has to train is Saddler, the horse who injured his father. Not only that, Dan is faced with an unrealistic timescale in which to train the horse.