Ehrman, Kit

About the author

Kit Ehrman grew up near Baltimore City, and was educated at Wilson College. She came across Dick Francis’ In the Frame while she was working for the Government, read everything else by him she could lay her hands on, and went to work on a horse farm. She moved on to buying and selling horse farms, thinking up plots while mucking out. These plots became the Steve Cline series; about a wealthy young man who loses everything and is disowned by his father when he drops out of college, leaving him penniless at the age of 21. He takes a job as a barn manager, and starts to solve crimes. The series now numbers four titles.

Finding the books
Still in print, but tend to be expensive new in the UK unless you are prepared to go the e-book route. Readily available in the USA.

Links and sources
Kit Ehrman’s website


The Steve Cline series
At Risk
Dead Man’s Touch
Cold Burn
Triple Cross

Bibliography (horse books only)

At Risk

Poisoned Pen Press, Scottsdale, Arizona, 2002, 292 pp.
Reprinted in paperback, 2007, 292 pp.

Steve Cline is disowned by his father when he drops out of college, leaving him penniless at theage of 21. He takes a job as a barn manager, and when he stumbles across a horse theft, vows to track the perpetrators down.

Dead Man’s Touch

Poisoned Pen Press, Scottsdale, Arizona, 2003
Poisoned Pen Press, 2006, 306 pp.

Steve Cline’s estranged father dies, and Steve learns that man was not his real father.

Cold Burn

Poisoned Pen Press, Scottsdale, Arizona, 2005
Poisoned Pen Press, 2006, 324 pp.

Steve Cline takes a job on a breeding farm to look into the disappearance of a friend’s brother.

Triple Cross

Poisoned Pen Press, 2007, 326 pp.

Steve visits Louisville for the Kentucky Derby. He is considering getting a PI licence, and a class assignment is to find out all you can about someone. His target turns up dead, and Steve has to fight to clear his name.