About the author
Carolyn Banks (b.1941) is an American author. She became known first for her short stories, particularly Growing Up Polish in Pittsburgh, and wrote her first full length novel, Mr Right, in 1979. She has competed in dressage herself, and has written a series of comic mysteries based in the dressage world. She is now involved in writing and producing short films, and in 2000 she founded Upstart, which provides “Community Access Television (BCAT) and a wide range of creative classes and events for the residents of Bastrop, Texas.”
Finding the books
Appear to be still in print at the Amber Quill Press, and are obtainable as e-books too via them. The books weren’t published in the UK, but are not impossible to find.
Links and sources
The Amber Quill Press
Wikipedia on Carolyn Banks
Bibliography (horse books only)
Death by Dressage
Fawcett, New York, pb, 1993, 202 pp
Amber Quill Press, pb, 2004

Groomed for Death
Fawcett, New York, pb, 1995
Amber Quill Press, 2005

Murder Well Bred
Fawcett, New York, 1995
Amber Quill Press, 2004

A Horse to Die For
Fawcett, New York, 1996
Amber Quill Press, 2006

Death on the Diagonal
Fawcett, New York, pb, 1996
Amber Quill Press, 2007