Armitage, Marigold

About the author

Marigold Armitage (1920–2001) was a daughter of Sir Arthur “Bomber” Harris. She is best known for her two hunting stories, A Long Way to Go, and A Motley to the View, but she was also an accomplished artist. She planned, and started, a sequel to the hunting stories, A Run for My Money, but this was never finished. It was sold, along with the rest of her manuscripts, by Bloomsbury.

Finding the books
Reasonably easy to find in all their printings. Very good firsts with dustjackets can be expensive.

Links and sources
Biographical information via Bloomsbury Auctions, and her archive, sold through Bloomsbury. Accessed a good while back, and no longer available.
Biographical information via wikitree

Bibliography (horse books only)

A Long Way to Go

Faber & Faber, London, 1952, 207 pp.
Robin Clark, 1989, 207 pp, pb.
Faber & Faber, London, 1973, illus Richard Kennedy, 220 pp.

Described by Lionel Gamlin as a “vastly entertaining story of a gloriously unbalanced hunting community in County Tipperary.”

A Motley to the View

Faber & Faber, London, 1961, 240 pp.
Robin Clark Ltd, London, 1990, pb.

The hunting community in County Tipperary continues its adventures.