About the author
Isolde Pullum first rode a horse at the age of two: she went riding with her older sister, who soon gave up, but Isolde was hooked. Her first pony, Henry, was a bit of a demon, but despite this she wept when he was swapped for the much more suitable Heidi. She has now ridden for nearly 40 years, and even rode away from her wedding side-saddle. She and her husband now have five horses, one of which, Gaudi, was the inspiration for The Brazen Horse. As a child, she was constantly told off for writing only about horses, and told to write at least one thing that didn’t contain a horse. She wrote about a unicorn instead, and ‘argued long and hard about whether a unicorn was a horse or not!’
Isolde has written several books for Stabenfeldt, including the Green Horse series.
Finding the books
No Stabenfeldt titles were published in the UK, but some copies have been imported and are usually available fairly cheaply here. Alternatively, you can try American sites, or Ebay.com, where bundles of titles tend to come up fairly often.
Links and sources
An interview with Isolde Pullum on the now defunct Stabenfeldt site.
The Green Horse Series
Green Horse Winter
The Green Horse Hotel
The Green Horse Summer
Bibliography (pony books only)
The Green Horse Hotel
Stabenfeldt, 2001, 149 pp.
Jenna can hear a clatter of hooves coming from the cobblestones of her parents’ new hotel, but there is no horse for miles around.

Green Horse Winter
Stabenfeldt, 2004, 149 pp.
Jennand her family at The Green Horse Hotel are busy preparing for a Mystery Weekend. The weekend starts successfully, but then mysterious things start to happen; things that weren’t planned at all.

The Brazen Horse
Stabenfeldt, 2005
“When Paula’s mare is attacked, she wonders if she’ll ever have the heart to ride again. Then along comes Jazz, an unruly, unschooled but very talented young horse. Paula falls in love, and is determined to ride Jazz, but their first event is a fiasco. Only Tony seems to enjoy her failure – he’s jealous of Jazz’s talent.”

The Green Horse Summer
Stabenfeldt, 2006
“A mysterious horse head seems to be floating in the bay at low tide. A painting in Jenna’s room at her family’s hotel invokes wild dreams, of shipwrecks, a wailing woman and….an underwater horse! When Jenna discovers the horse in the bay, she knows there’s a connection – especially when she learns she’s not the first to have seen it.
What is the mystery surrounding the horse, how is it connected to the Green Horse Hotel – and how will Jenna avoid treacherous tides and quicksand to find out?”