About the author
Marianne Mjelva is a Norwegian author, who learned to ride when she was right. When she was 10, she wrote in her diary: ‘When I grow up I’m going to be a dog owner, a horse owner and a writer.’ She’s done all of those: she owns a Thoroughbred mare called Tingen, a Nova Scotia Duck-Tolling Retriever called Talice, and has written a pony book for Stabenfeldt, My Life with Penny.
Finding the book
Very tricky to find in the UK, but widely available in the USA.
Links and sources
Marianne Mjelva on Stabenfeldt (webside no longer extant)
My Life with Penny
Stabenfeldt, 2009, pb
Julia and her family are on a holiday to Spain, and she’s looking forward to all the magnificent Spanish horses, although she’s already missing her own pony Penny. She longs for another horse, but knows she’s being disloyal to Penny. However, when she gets home, she finds she’s grown three inches and is far too big for Penny.