About the author
Albert Lamorisse (1922–70) was a film maker and writer who made several successful films before dying in a helicopter crash in Iran. His film The Red Balloon won an Oscar for best original screenplay in 1956. A man of many talents, he also invented the board game Risk.
One of his films, The Wild White Stallion, based on the novel by René Guillot, led to a book of the film.
Finding the books
Folco is hard to find in its UK version with a dustjacket. Crin Blan, or The Wild White Stallion, is harder to find in its British printing, but not impossible.
Links and sources
Wikipedia on Albert Lamorisse
Bibliography (pony books only)
The Wild White Stallion
Text by Albert Lamorisse & D Colomb de Daunant, illus with photographs from the film.
English version by Roger Lubbock, London, Putnam, 1954
Originally published as Crin Blanc, Paris, 1954
Dutton, New York, 1954
Folco is told that if he can catch the wild, white Camargue stallion, he can have him. Folco does catch him, but then finds out that he has an even greater battle on his hands as the horse hunters try to take his horse away from him.

Folco et Crin Blanc
Methuen, London, 1962, 47 pp, illus Brian Wildsmith
I think this is probably a shorter version of The Wild White Stallion, but I haven’t been able to find a copy yet to check.