About the author
Eilís Dillon (1920-94) was born in Galway, Ireland. She travelled widely in America, and lectured on Irish literature and poetry. She became a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, and wrote many books for children. There are over 30 books to her name: the three books which feature horses are aimed at differing ages, with the best known, The Island of Horses, aimed at teenagers. This book was selected by The Sunday Times as one of its “99 Best Books for Children.” It is an excellent read: a vivid picture of a small and close community combined with realistic and tense adventure.
Finding the books
The Horse Fancier can be difficult to find (watch out for mad prices on Amazon) but it does turn up cheaply. The other two titles are easy to find.
Sources and Links
More on The Island of Horses
A website on Eilis Dillon
Irish Writers Online
Wikipedia entry
Bibliography (pony books only)
The Island of Horses
Faber & Faber, London, 1956, illus Richard Kennedy, reprinted 1963
Funk & Wagnalls, New York, 1957
Penguin, pb, 1976, illus Richard Kennedy
Faber & Faber, pb, 1991, illus Richard Kennedy
New York Review Children’s Collection, New York, 2004
Two boys and a deserted island, a herd of wild horses, and a gang of desperate men: this is an excellent read, with a vivid sense of the tensions between different Irish communities, and a wonderful portrayal of a harsh offshore island with a whole melting pot of characters, good and bad.

A Pony and Trap
Hamish Hamilton, 1962, illus Monica Brasier-Creagh
In The Antelope Omnibus, 1965
Transworld, London, 1966
For readers aged 8-12. “First they had to find a pony. Then a trap. Michael knew this, and so did all the other members of the choir. But how were they to find them?
The Horse Fancier
Macmillan Education, 1985
For younger readers. “A small boy invites a horse home for a plate of cornflakes. Home is a high-rise flat, but the horse doesn’t really mind.”